Traffic Diversion Technique

Today I am going to share a foundational technique I use for all my new websites and the websites I am continuing to promote. This technique results in some highly relevant, very timely but lower quality backlinks going to my sites but more importantly FREE TRAFFIC!!

I call this my Traffic Diversion Technique and below I will share exactly how I do it and how it can be easily outsourced.

The Traffic Diversion Technique – Easily find and get involved in the conversations already happening online about your topic, ADD VALUE and a backlink diverting some traffic back to your site

The site I will use as an example is not my student loan or insurance site but a “hobby” site I created to document my recovery from my 2nd (damn knees) ACL Surgery.


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Negative SEO Attack Results in Record Traffic Growth

CORRECTION – Apr 29 – Tung from Cloud Living Journey in the comments did some more research and determine that it was not in fact a negative SEO attack against my site but just a massive amount of links from 1 website that was generating the unusual # of backlinks. Thanks for correcting me Tung!

Let me make sure to clear this up right away – I do not credit the negative SEO campaign that is hitting my case study website (My Case Study Website URL is Now Hidden) for increasing my traffic to record levels.

So what’s wrong with the title?

–          Have I been attacked by a negative SEO campaign – Yes

–          Have I had record traffic numbers (480+ visitors per day!) – Yes

–          Do I think the negative SEO campaign affected my traffic – NO!  (more…)

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Month 4 Update – How I Generated 100 Visitors a Day

The month of December was a busy month for me with the Holidays and I did not work on my website as much as I would have liked. However, my site has continued to grow and even though December is typically a low traffic month it has saw over a 100% increase in traffic and I am now receiving more than 100 visitors per day!

In this monthly income report I will show you my income for my case study site (My Case Study Website URL is Now Hidden) and the strategies I have used to get to 100 visitors per day in 4 months. (more…)

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