The Downside of a Single Focus in Your Entrepreneurial Journey No One Talks About

Like most of us with an entrepreneurial leaning I enjoy listening to a lot of audiobooks and podcasts related to business and self-improvement.

There is one recurring message from wildly successful people and many success guru’s… FOCUS!

In this post I am going to argue why I don’t think the focus on a single business is the optimal strategy for many. It may be the right strategy for some but based on my goals (and depending on yours) I don’t think it is the right strategy for everyone.   (more…)

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December Monthly Income Report – New More Revealing Format

With 2013 coming to an end it is time for me to change the format of my monthly income reports. This monthly income post and entire site was started around my authority site case study for (My Case Study Website URL is Now Hidden). However, as my focus has moved my monthly post has not kept up with the changes in my business.

The new format is going to be a snapshot with lots and lots of data/visuals of the 3 basic focuses of my business for 2014…

1. Building, Buying and Growing Authority/Niche Website Properties
2. Growing an audience at blog
3. Growing the Services I offer (expired domain finding and private blog network building)

The reason I think sharing all this information is a good idea is… (more…)

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September Income And Traffic Report

September was an exciting one! I saw a significant win with my purchased site turning it from making $0/month to almost $1k and my overall income for the September breaking some new records and coming so close to a huge milestone. The traffic to my case study site took a decline but analyzing all related Google trends that is to be expected (students are not looking for loans in September – they already have them). But, even with the decline some monetization changes I made after deep diving into my analytics last month have been paying off.  (more…)

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One Year Income Report – 10k in Net Income and my Growth Plan

The headline for this month is that I have purchased my first website! My website over the first 11 months of it’s existence had generated a little over $8k in net profit. I took about ½ that and reinvested it to continue to accelerate my income growth. More on that later… (more…)

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Month 8 Income Report – 1000 Dollar Per Month Website

April was a great month for website income case studies(Spencer Haws ranks #1 and Tung ranks #1 in Google) and mine had record traffic and record income! This month now brings my monthly income average for the last 3 months to over $1,000!

Key Successes:

Finding Time To Work – As I mentioned a few times my Son was born March 5th and I have been enjoying every minute with him but on top of my busy day job it has been a challenge to find time to work.
However, within the last few weeks I have settled into a routine of putting in a few hrs late each night. (more…)

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