How to Install WordPress on IXWebHosting

NOTE – I no longer recommend IXWebHosting and much prefer either DreamHost (you can get multiple IPs) or my current favourite HostNine reseller.

HostNine is faster, easier to install wordpress and offers multiple geographic datacenters for even greater IP diversity – See the benefits here.

After people purchased some of the expired domains I was selling (if interested you can purchase relevant authority domains that meet my metrics here) they had questions regarding how to install WordPress on IXWebHosting – which is not the easiest!

For hosting a large portion of my expired domains which I use as either feeder sites or part of my private blog network I use a couple accounts at IXWebHosting for their multiple C Class IP’s for a very reasonable price. In this article there will be several links to them which are affiliate links.  (more…)

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Authority Site Monetization Strategy Rev0

For my authority site I am willing to try any monetization strategy as long as it is aligned with my goal of helping recent graduates deal with their student loans.

Over the next few months I will be doing several tests to see what kind of monetization strategy will be “best”. For me, my strategy must…

  • Be reasonably helpful to the visitor of my website
  • Maximize lifetime value of a visitor

Here is what my site is going to start with… (more…)

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