July Income Report

July was my first full month as a full time online entrepreneur! It was a lot of fun!

I am not sure if it will ever wear off but the lifestyle change has certainly had me smiling/pinching myself a few times in July…

  • Taking my 3 year old son “camping” in the backyard mid-week
  • Biking home from work to jump in the pool with the family (and a cold beer) mid-afternoon mid-week
  • Having some of my biggest revenue number days while on a canoe trip

In this income post I will try to share what I have learned and failed at over the month and the performance of the businesses!

My Business Focus Points:

  1. Passive Income Website Portfolio
  2. AuthorityWebsiteIncome Blog
  3. SEO & Expired Domain Services:
  4. Amazon FBA Business
    • Brand #1
    • Brand #2
    • Brand #3
    • New Web App Project

Key Successes

  1. FBA Brand #1 – After June where the FBA business I sold but still own one third of struggled due to the associate account getting suspended it was great to see a very solid bounce back for the business.
  2. Partnerships – With the added time I have had there have been several interesting partnership opportunities that have come up while I have been in discussions with people. The challenge is to ensure I do not take on more than I can handle and continue to build my teams capacity at handling projects.
  3. Backlink Analysis & Discussions with Clients – After talking to over 50 readers of AuthorityWebsiteIncome last month it became clear there was a need for a couple things one of which was more help to answer the question of “how many backlinks do I need to rank on the first page”. Because of those discussions and how my team already does this analysis I created a very simple little offer that provides a lot of value to people with a website.
  1. Training – While I had the day job one of the areas that I was definitely not spending enough time on was education and training. My information “diet” had been very very lean and I read very few websites/took no training. With the added time I have scheduled some time each week to spend time completing high quality training and focusing on deliberate training/practise. Here are a few of the great training programs I am taking right now (in addition to listening to about 1 book/week while I bike to/from work)…
    1. 1 authority machineAuthorityMachine + Internship – The training created by Hayden and Spencer is great and I have heard awesome feedback about the internship from some individuals who have gone through it. Highly recommended!
    2. 2 udemyInvesting in Website (Free Udemy Course) – This course is for people looking at how to invest in websites. It is created by Eric from DigiStrats who I have worked with and also take some of his training before. Great information + right now the course is free!
    3. 3 amz aff bootcampAMZ Affiliate Bootcamp – This course is created by Tung Tran and provides a lot of information on how to make money with Amazon Affiliate sites. Lots of great information for a beginner wanting to make money with an Amazon Affiliate site.
    4. New LinkBuilding Strategy – More to come on this but as we test out different strategies we are finding a lot of success with one particular strategy to get the worlds best links.

Key Failures

    1. Productivity Increase Not 1:1 With Increased Hours – With the added hours my productivity has not increased 1:1. I don’t find this too surprising and will continue to work on being more effective and productive. Listening to a great book right now bye a fellow Canadian Chris Bailey The Productivity Project and I am liking how actionable it is!

  1. Realizing Several Teams are Not Setup for Success! – After I did an analysis on a few of my businesses I realized that several of my teams are not setup for success. The main reason is that I have deviated from my favourite business book (E-Myth Revisited) and don’t have the Entrepreneur / Manager / Technician clearly defined. I wrote more details about this failure here.


2016 Business Goals

Below is my businesses main goals for 2016

4 goals

Download This Easy to Edit and Printable Goals Template – FREE

(Note – FBA Brand #2 Has Been Replaced With my SAAS Business)

Part 1 – Passive Authority & Niche Website Income Profit/Loss

5 passive income goals

3 Goals in 2016 for my Website Portfolio Business

  1. Systematize Top 20 Sites in Portfolio

July Update – I have plans in motion to grow my team and this one may come down to the wire but will have a new project manager to help me with managing my passive income portfolio.

  1. Buy 1 Site Per Month

July Update – A great website purchase was made in July. It was a good deal for both the seller and myself, with only a couple months of earnings history it would have been tough for him to sell anywhere else while we were able to combine a purchase price, earnout and services from LightningRank.com to come up with a deal that has everyone happy.

  • GOAL = 1 Website
  • ACTUAL = 1 Great Website Purchased

6 websites purchased

If any readers are looking to sell their profitable site(s) VERY QUICKLY let me know by emailing me. I can let you know in 12hrs if I am interested and complete the purchase in 24-48hrs – Contact Me Here

I have found the right sellers are those…

  • Looking to sell FAST (under 24hrs has been accomplished!) (shorter time for due diligence on my end increases risk for me)
  • Not wanting to spend a lot of time on the sales process (analytics and income proof is all I need)
  • High quality sites making over $500/month often make sense to sell via other channels (EmpireFlippers or FEInternational are great places)
  • SEO done to the site can be questionable and that increased risk will be reflected in the sales price
  • Understand that the benefits of the bullet points above means the sales multiple will be lower

If you have a website you are looking to sell fast please let me know


  1. Sell Websites Strategically for $100k Total

July Update – The website sale is still on track with the group that has taken over the site still doing a great job.



7 passive income portfolio

July Update – The ongoing issue with the partnerships associate account at Amazon is still holding this number down lower than I would like.


Part 2 – Authority Website Income Blog Profit/Loss

8 awi goals

3 Goals in 2015 for AuthorityWebsiteIncome.com

  1. Post Once Per Week

July Update – Now that I am working full time I should have no excuses to not hit this goal. There are plenty of topics I want to talk about that I believe would add value so it is good to see me back to hitting my target numbers with my first full month working online.

  • Plan = 4
  • Actual = 4

9 number of posts published

  1. 10x my Outreach

July Update – Continued success on this front with a lot of effort spent performing podcasts in July. The story/strategy of turning an Amazon Affiliate site into an FBA business and then selling it continues to be a story/business model that resonates with people as it connects a lot of dots in the online business space.

  1. Site Redesign – Completed!

July Update – Already Completed


July Update – 16,364 uniques’ which represents a +66% year over year increase. I believe if I can achieve my weekly posting plus my 10x outreach I can achieve this goal by the end of the year!

10 traffic to awi

Part 3 – Services Business Profit/Loss

11 services goals

  1. Systems Overhaul/Refresh

July Update – Kelley the project manager for the services business has joined me full time in the office and we will be undertaking this large review over the coming months.

  1. Improve email marking and sales automation

July Update – I am continuing to do some small tests to collect data before a larger overhaul. I need to get this done soon.

  1. BrandBuilders.io Becomes The Go-To Resource for Done 4 You Amazon FBA Private Label Websites and Done 4 You Amazon Affiliate Sites

July Update – Continues to be a clear winner when it comes to product/market fit with steady demand for the services offered.



Part 4 – Amazon FBA Business

12 fba goals

  1. Sell FBA Business for 30x with 3+ Solid Months

July Update – SUCCESS

  1. Launch Brand #2 – Personal

July Update – After additional due diligence it turns out the business model for this affiliate site to FBA migration would not work with only $12 profit margin on a $120 product. In addition there are some interesting partnership opportunities I am exploring and will be moving quickly on.

  1. Launch Brand #3 – Investors

July Update – Sold out of most sizes of our initial order (no profit on initial order as all units were flown in) and now the first sea shipment has arrived in the US.

  1. LE – Hijack Monitoring Service

July Update – Similar update for June with GREAT metrics and user feedback but our ability to accelerate our customer acquisition has been tricky!

13 listingeagle setup

Overall Income Update


Original Monthly Net Income Target (original goal $15k/month reliable income by age 35)

  • Target Net Income = $9,350
  • Actual net Income = $31,869.24
  • 2016 Average Monthly Net Income = $30,296 (stretch goal is 30k average for the year)

14 tracking net income

Gross revenue is a vanity number for my business and I do not share it.

15 net income by division

(note Amazon FBA Income May Be Off By A Little Here – FBA Affiliate Site Income Counted in Passive Income Portfolio – Total FBA Business Income ~$10k)


Final Comments

July was a good month to see that my increased effort on all fronts have resulted in growth on all fronts. Having sold off 2/3rd of my FBA business which had first helped push my business over the $30k threshold and to have now bounced back to it in what is often one of the slower seasons for online business it is great to see.

Right now I have reason to be excited about the next phase of the business with lots of growth projects on the go, a growing/awesome team, more hours for me to devote to the business and plenty of room for improvement for the steady divisions of the business I am excited for Q4! Even with all the good news there is still plenty of projects which are not yet on the trajectory I want them on!

I hope these income reports provide an insight into how I organize my various projects and include actionable details for others…most importantly I hope the historical nature of these reports show to people at the stage I was at a few years ago that it is possible to build up an online business that can fund your desired life.

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How I Quit My Job to Pursue Online Entrepreneurship Full Time so I can Ski, Bike and Hike With My Family

This post took ~8 years to write!

It is with great satisfaction I announce that the goal I set for my family has now been achieved and I have left my 9-5 7am-6pm day job to pursue online entrepreneurship full time!

First let me say thank you to everyone who has been following me on this journey you the readers of authoritywebsiteincome, customers of LightningRank, friends, family and my wife.

This is the start…big stuff to come!

This post covers…

Why Did I Want to Quit my Day Job?

For everyone their reasons are a little different. Some people want to become digital nomads mine came down to wanting to…

  • See What I Can Do on My Own – Online entrepreneurship has a lot of opportunities I am excited to explore. I may or may not regret this decision but I am 100% certain if I never took a shot at building something on my own I would always regret it!
  • Ski/Bike/Hike With My Kids (my wife can come to 😉 ) – My youngest child will be 36years old when I retire at 65 (4 years older than I am now) and the number of hours I work per day between now and then were not going to go down based on the path I was on. But the main reason is I simply want to ski, bike and hike with my family in my hometown!

This Table Scared Me!

Green = Years Worked at Day Job

Yellow = Years Left to Work!

My Age at Retirement = 65 & My Oldest Kids Age = 36

One of My Main Reasons Explained with Pictures...

(my reason why explained with pictures!)

How Did I Get Here – My Online Business Building Timeline

  • Pre University – Side Hustles
    • Lawn Cutting 
    • Selling Skis on Ebay
  • 2004 Went to University (Mechanical Engineering with a Business Minor)
  • 2005 – Bought International Edition Textbooks from India at 90% Off and Sold for 75% off to friends
  • 2005 Started listening to AudioBooks and a few had significant impacts on how I thought about business/life options.
    • E-Myth Revisited 
    • Rich Dad Poor Dad 
    • The 4 Hr Work Week
  • 2006 – Started a Bike Parts Company – Never Manufactured a Part
  • 2007 – Started a TextBook Selling Website – Sold One
  • 2008 – Got Engaged
  • 2008 – Worked for a technology startup company and was responsible for getting their site built (cheaply)
    • Learned about ODesk (now upwork) (blew my mind)
  • 2008 – Started a Small Membership Site That Organized Old Time Radio Shows – Cost $2,000 Made $150
  • 2008 – Built a Sales Page to Sell Excel Templates – Started making a few sales – $100/month
    • Learned about article marketing
  • 2009 – Built some “Feeder” WordPress Sites to Drive Traffic to Sales Page – $200/month
    • Learned about SEO 
    • Learned about wordpress
  • 2009 – Graduated with a Mechanical Engineering and Business Degree
  • 2009 – Started Working in Project Management for an Oil and Gas Company
  • 2009 – Started replicating the “feeder” sites and made them into money sites – $750/month
    • Outsourced everything article marketing, web creation etc. 
    • The dream of a self growing fully outsourced system was strong!
  • 2009 – Got Married
  • 2010 – Attempted to build a Facebook Team Gift app after coming up with the idea at my Bachelor party with friends– FAILED – $1,000 gone
  • 2010 – Built a team on ODesk to promote each website using Yahoo Answers and Blog Commenting – $1,250/month
    • Built the team up to 15ppl
  • 2011 – Stopped Being Profitable & Cut Back On Team To Become Profitable – $500/month
  • 2011 – Started Building Private Blog Network and Testing Other Strategies to Improve Ranking and Drive Traffic
    • Feb 2011 – Panda hit – No Impact on My Business
  • 2011-2012 – Started focusing on lower quality exact match domains that required less work and my team was building 2/week – $1,500/month income
    • Never used “automated” link building methods! 
    • Never used spun content on my sites (but yes I was one of them that used it on article sites)
  • Apr 2012 – Penguin hit – Small Impact
    • Doing some research and trying to think about SEO like Wayne Gretzky played hockey “go where the puck is going to be not where it is” translated into “give the search engines what they want not game the current loopholes”
  • Summer 2012 – Decided to shift focus to build up my larger more useful sites – $3k/month
    • Sites like ACLSurgeryRecovery.net grew to 800 visitors/day
  • Aug 2012 – Decided to create a public case study through AuthorityWebsiteIncome.com showing how I was going to build (My Case Study Website URL is Now Hidden)
  • Sep 2012 – EMD Update Hit – 15%-25% of my sites got killed(all smaller sites) – 5% of my earnings affected – $3k/month
    • EMD update reconfirms I believe I am on the right path with larger more authoritative sites.
  • 2013 Feb – (My Case Study Website URL is Now Hidden) averages over $1000/month for month 6, 7 and now can make up to $8k/month income (sold website for six figures)
  • 2013 Aug – Began using PBNs to rank my websites and grew my passive income portfolio – $6k/month income
  • 2013 Nov – Based on my on my monster post Ultimate Expired Domain Guide I launched my PBN creation service – $10k/month income
  • 2014 – Continued to build my passive income portfolio and my services business – $11k/month average
  • 2015 – Focused on systematically growing my passive income portfolio which grew to $14k/month for its best month (reliably now making over $10k/month)
  • 2015 Sep – Added FBA Business model to my strategy for Q4 2015 – $24k/month average
  • 2016 Jan – Listed FBA business for sale
  • 2016 Feb – Launched BrandBuilders.io as a partnership
  • 2016 Feb – Let my day job know I will be leaving!
  • 2016 Mar – Started with Private Equity group to rinse/repeat affiliate site to FBA business conversion
  • 2016 May – Launched LE as the first/best Amazon Listing Hijack Monitoring service
  • 2016 June 10th – Last Day of Work!

Top 3 Inflection Points in My Journey

  1. Finding Out I Will Become a Father – Narrowing in on my “why” in 2013 gave me the drive to stop messing around with simple low value add crap and really do the hard work, add value and consistently grind. When we became crystal clear on our goal of $15k reliable income and moving to our hometown to spend time with family the business started to move in the right direction quickly!
  2. Creating an EPIC Guide (Adding Obscene Amounts of Information/Value for Free) and then listening to the audience and providing services around that topic was another large inflection point for the business.
  3. Unit Shutdowns at Work & 80+hr Weeks – This was actually a deflection point but was equally insightful. There were multiple times over the last few years where I worked 80+ hr weeks for a couple months back to back and it became clear the business suffered after that time when I wasn’t able to work more than an hr a night. Based on this it was clear that my time, despite all the systems I had put in place, still significantly influenced the direction of the business. Despite the promise of systems replacing me completely it was clear that for my business more time = more success.

Highlighted Yellow Represents 80+hr Weeks at Day Job

Why Didn’t I Quit Sooner?

  • I had very specific metrics to hit for both income and runway before pulling the trigger…
    • Income – I had a very public goal of hitting $15k/month in reliable income by the age of 35. This had been achieved for several months but it took awhile until the second criteria of runway/mortgage was achieved. 
    • Runway/Mortgage – In addition to the public income goal I also had a runway/mortgage goal to ensure I wouldn’t need to play defensively in my online business.
  • I was learning a lot – My belief was that this game is a LONG game (just look at the graph to 65 above)! I don’t see me ever not doing something associated with building a business and as a result I believed that the most important thing right now is to improve my abilities and one of the most profitable/systematized corporations in the world certainly had many great learning/development opportunities. My online business is better for the experience I had at my day job and vice versa, I was a better employee because of what I was learning in my online business. The learning curve had started to slow over the last year and that contributed to the decision around timing.
  • Enjoyed a lot of my day job – My day job as a plant shutdown manager / maintenance team leader had a lot of great aspects. I worked with very capable people and we were thrown at some very challenging problems with a lot of pressure (such as being on point and responsible for 100+ contractors fixing equipment that was loosing the company $1M/day being down).
  • I wasn’t sure if online business would be fulfilling – Online business can be played at different levels and where I was originally playing it was not fully satisfying. Systematically building authority websites is kinda fun from a systems standpoint but it wasn’t really challenging me on multiple levels. However, lately with the addition of some new businesses and partnerships it has become clear that I can be as challenged as I choose to be with my online business and that is exciting!
  • Increasing my chances of successfully exiting and not returning was more important than getting out early – My wife and I had many discussions on the right timing to pull the trigger. In the end we both believed that the prize on the table (moving back to our hometown) and staying there was substantial enough that ensuring when we did pull the trigger the chance of success was as high as possible!
  • Diversifiable Income – No single point of failure could exist in my business that would ruin it. I wanted to be certain that I had multiple channels of income that would support my family. My business needed to be a multi-legged stool with each leg of income being somewhat separate from the other. If any one leg got chopped out the stool won’t fall!
  • Golden Handcuffs – The pile of money between pension, career trajectory and vesting bonuses that has been burned by me leaving is not inconsequential. Although I left on very good terms with the door being open for me to return the amount of money being "burned" certainly had the desired effect of being slow to make the move.

So… How did it feel to Quit?

I enjoyed working with most of the people I worked with and my direct reports and manager were all exceptional so I did feel a little guilty about leaving them. In addition I had made some great friendships over the last 7 years and as part of this change I will be leaving my current city.

However in the end it felt awesome! This was a goal which became an obsession for the last few years and achieving it was incredibly satisfying for everyone involved!

My manager was incredibly understanding and treated me much better than I had expected.

One interesting note was that all the coworkers that I considered as really strong performers were positive/encouraging while many of the “B team” employees were scared for me and couldn’t understand giving up the security!

5 Most Important Lessons I Learned

  1. Do the Hard Work - For the first few years online I was in search of the easiest way to make money online. WRONG! When I buckled down and did the “hard” work usually the type that made me uncomfortable results followed! Many nights I wanted to lie down and watch TV exhausted from 12hrs of work, playing with kids for 1-2hrs but if I had I wouldn’t be writing this post.
  2. Have a CLEAR Driving Goal & Reason Why – It wasn’t until I was crystal clear on my reason why that the business moved in the right direction quickly.
  3. Add Value and Don’t Look for Shortcuts – Shortcuts online don’t exist, stop looking for them! The only way to make money online is to add value. The more value you add the more success you have. No, this rule doesn’t hold 100% of the time but believing it 100% of the time is a recipe for success.
  4. Take Massive CONSISTENT Action – Every night/day that you do work, if you are adding value, you are pushing on the flywheel of your business. When you take time off from the work the wheel starts to slow…consistent massive action on an activity that adds value to people is bound to result in success.
  5. Don’t Do It Alone! – From my first popular guest posts on other peoples sites (like Spencer Haws) to my most recent partnerships with industry leaders (like Scott Voelker) and previously little-known experts (like Andrew from BrandBuilders.io) it has been clear that building an online business is more fun and successful when working with others. In addition to these relationships my team has been a huge factor in the businesses growth. Some of my team members have been with me since the start including some whose income has gone from $1/hr to $7/hr and another who named me as a god parent…

3 New Concerns I Now Need to Manage

With changes come new challenges, to be honest these I am afraid of and I won’t know if I overcome them or not for a couple years. I hope AuthorityWebsiteIncome and my monthly reports will help me have the discipline to ensure these fears don’t become a reality.

  1. Getting Mentally Soft – For the last few years my schedule has been a little bit insane. Approx schedule… wake 6am, leave for work 6:30am, work 7am-5:30/6:00, Home at 6:00/6:30, family time until 7:30/8:00, work from 8pm-11pm(sometimes much later). Following this schedule was TOUGH and it, like training for anything, resulted in me being able to be disciplined about working. Will I now go soft since I won’t be working the same number of hours?
  2. No Single Inspiring/Driving Goal – Achieving my goal of leaving the day job had become an obsession and now my current goals are less tangible… will my business not have a stimulating goal and as a result be directionless?
  3. Playing Not to Lose – For those that play/watch sports we all have experienced/seen a team take the lead and then play not loose vs playing to win. Will I now play not to loose vs take bigger swings?

What Will I Do Now?

  1. Improve My Website Portfolio Management and scale select websites
  2. Be More Active With AuthorityWebsiteIncome.com
  3. Expand Services to Include More “Higher Touch” offerings
  4. Grow LE
  5. Go to conferences and engage with the community more
  6. Now that I have my "cash flow" businesses moving I will look to take bigger swings with disruptor businesses (such as LE
  7. Spend more time on other neglected areas of my life…
    • Family (although not sacrificed much for my online business I now have more time to spend with them)
    • Health/Fitness/Outdoors – Definitely neglected over the last few years and looking forward to doing a lot more!
    • Ongoing Education – I have been on a very light information diet and am excited to tackle learning and applying new skills. There are many great courses I know I can learn a lot from!

The majority of my goals for the year will stay the same

If You Could Learn Only One Thing

From working with people I have found there are plenty of things people are a lot better at than I am but if there was one thing that I continually seem to be able to bring to a business it is this repeatable system…

My Process for Getting A Lot of Work Done Systematically:

1. Identify need/problem (me, project manager or one of my team leads)

2. Create a quick procedure for it (me, project manager or one of my team leads)

3. Assign it to a team member or hire 3-5 people on UpWork.com (project manager or team lead)

  • Give the 3-5 people a similar test assignment with no interview and minimal training (project manager or team lead)
  • Review quality of work done and communication and then fire all but the best (or fire all and repeat hiring a few more)

4. Assign the (potentially new) team member to execute the created procedure and work together to improve it (project manager or team lead)

5. Manage the change to the new procedure (project manager or team lead)

  • Input the new procedure into the procedure database (list in a google doc)
  • Communicate the new procedure and the basics of the change to the affected team members

6. Begin executing the procedure (new team member)

7. Improve & Track Desired Results of the New Procedure

  • a. New team member to send out weekly update with basic update to entire team including myself focusing on the metrics of both what has been done and how it has impacted the key end result the new procedure was put in place to improve (new team member)
  • Key metric(quantitative or qualitative) for the new procedure added to the team lead or project managers weekly business scorecard which gets reviewed at the weekly 1 on 1 meeting I have (most important 1hr I do all week)! (project manager and myself)

Executing this boring series of steps repeatedly over the last 8 years has built up a team with team leaders responsible for results and managing their team as they see fit (hiring/firing), weekly reports and a pool of great A players who I can leverage for any new project. Plus most of the processes in my business following a decent procedure.

If you are struggling to get your business setup with a team and systems I highly recommend you give the above 7 steps a try!

Thank You!

To everyone who has visited this website, emailed me, supported the business (even when you thought I was crazy – wife) been a customer of one of my services or responded to a question thank you!!!

If there is ever anything I can do to help you (visitor) achieve your goals with your online business please do let me know!

Finally Good Luck!

For those of you looking to make this same jump happen I hope that this post provides some insight into my mindset as I journeyed through my online business up to this point. If you can take anything away from this that increase the chances of you achieving what you are after or shortens the 8 year journey I took I would be very happy.

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Back on track after a big income dip!

This income report will be brief but I hope to share some valuable learning’s.

For 2015 I have set new goalsand each months income/goals progress report will reflect my slightly adjusted focus.

This monthly report will share all the details about the different “divisions” of my business and the progress towards each goal…

  1. Passive Income Website Portfolio
  2. AuthorityWebsiteIncome Blog
  3. Expired Domain Services:

Hopefully this post will give you some ideas on how to grow your business!

Key Successes

  1. Authority Site – Having the trust to stick with this project even though the traffic was not really knocking it out of the park has been tough but it is starting to see steady/solid growth.
  2. Custom Done For You PBN Building – After the “sky is falling” fear Google spread last October many people have quietly been killing it with PBNs and there was a lot of returning customers in April.

Key Failures

  1. Moving My Business Forward – Although it has been a good month many of my goals are continuing to slip this year.

2015 Business Goals

2015 business goalDownload This Easy to Edit and Printable Goals Template – FREE


Part 1 – Passive Authority& Niche Website IncomeProfit/Loss


No matter where my future business direction I would have a very very hard time giving up the fun of building, buying and running profitable websites.

5 Goals in 2015 for my Website Portfolio Business

1. Build Six Figure Website

APR UPDATE – Continued growth with organic search closing in on 100 visitors/day consistently.



Mar Stats

  • Traffic =3,307
  • Income = $107

2. Continue Building Smaller Profitable “Niche” Sites

APR UPDATE –Several of the sites have generated some income and the return on this project will be positive but it is not the reliable earner I was hoping to create.

3. Systematize Top 20 Sites in Portfolio

APR UPDATE –No progress on this front

4. Buy 2 Sites Per Month

APR UPDATE:  I added a couple quickly built sites to my portfolio. These were from a reader who was looking end a project he had been working on. Neither are going to be great earners but the deal I thought made sense for all involved….

  • He was able to sell them quickly
  • Sold sites that were not making enough to justify listing at Empire Flippers or Flippa
  • GOAL = 8 sites purchased by Apr 2015
  • ACTUAL = 13 sites (+2 in Apr)

# of site purchased

If any readers are looking to sell their profitable site(s) quickly let me know by emailing me. I can let you know in 12hrs if I am interested and complete the purchase in 24-48hrs – Contact Me Here

5. Improve Monetization of Existing Sites

APR UPDATE – I find this work to be some of the best use of my time. Although it is sometimes not very exciting cross referencing stats to commissions or similar deep dive analysis it always pays off. In April I dug into the links on a couple of my sites and realized I was leaving a lot of money on the table. Sometimes I think I am a very slow learner…making similar mistakes over and over… “burning $1,800/month


passive income portfolio

Part 2 – Authority Website Income Blog Profit/Loss


My commitment on this site is to provide once per week posts from me in and one MONSTER of an ultimate guide a little later in the year.

3 Goals in 2015 for AuthorityWebsiteIncome.com

1. Post 1-2 times per week

APR UPDATE – I will be starting to slip a little on this goal but I have a good head start to hit my annual target.

  • Plan = 4
  • Actual = 4

post published on AWI

APR UPDATE – Very weak involvement from me here!

  • Interview = 0
  • Roundup = 0
  • Podcast = 0

2. 2 EPIC Posts Published

APR UPDATE –One mini-epic post has been published with me revealing the 301 building block strategy (Part 1, Part 2)


audience overview

Part 3 – Services Business Profit/Loss


  1. Create Stand Alone Business

APR UPDATE – No progress towards this, this will come after #2 below has more progress.

  1. Rework and Customize Systems

APR UPDATE – Some solid progress this month with 3 new procedures overhauled.

  1. Systematic Customer Acquisition

APR UPDATE – Very slow progress but set up for a decent May


Overall Income Update

Original Monthly Net Income Target (original – $15k/month reliable income by age 35)

  • Target Net Income = $6,725
  • Actual net Income = $15,121.03
  • 2015 Average Monthly Net Income = $9,313

goal 15k

overall net income

Final Comments

In mid April my work schedule once again became very hectic with some added responsibility and VERY long days (5:00am to 10:00pm). Fitting in both family and time to grow the business is definitely a challenge but with a FANTASTIC team including a key Technical project manager and Business System project manager everything continues to move along well!

It is great to see the continued highly positive feedback from customers of the done for you PBN service.


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June Income Report – Passive Income Growth

Although this month represents a drop in net income for my overall business it was a strong month for my portfolio of websites.

My services business was flat out last month building sites that people ordered in the previous month that resulted in net income for May of over $20k.

For the first time in a couple months my Done For You PBN Service is open again for a limited number of spots. The majority of my teams increasing capacity continues to get swallowed up by returning customers, early notification people looking to increase the size of their PBNs and by larger SEO consultant orders. So after a great month last month from my team I have some spare capacity I am happy to offer to readers of my blog – Go Here to Sign Up!

This monthly report will share all the details about the different “divisions” of my business… (more…)

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Month 10 – $3000 Per Month Passive Income

Since starting my site 10 months ago I have had some great months and month 10 has been another great one. Last month I went over the $2k/month mark for the first time and this month my one website has made over three thousand dollars.


The beautiful thing about this month is that based on my plan for my business I moved away from personally working on the student loan site and focused on my new site I am building (Canadian Insurance niche). So the $3k was almost entirely passive. (more…)

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