How to Build a PBN in 2020 – Ultimate Private Blog Network Guide
In 2013 I created the ultimate guide to expired domains and since then have built over 10,000 PBN sites the right way!
This new and improved guide has everything you need to build a Private Blog Network in 2019 the right way! I get asked many questions about wether of not PBN backlinks are still powerful in todays SEO world and my answer is... yes and I have some data to show you just how PBN backlinks in 2019 still work in this case study here.
This MASSIVE 9,000+ word guide provides you with everything you need to build a powerful private blog network the right way easily and surprisingly cheap!
This free guide is the result of years of experience, weeks of work, 10,000+ PBNs built, hundreds of customers, 230 comments on my last guide and dozens of people contributing questions.
Thank You to everyone who has helped make this guide the MONSTER it is!
I truly hope that by the end of this how to build a PBN guide you will have gained a lot of valuable information that you can apply to your sites.
You will learn how to...
- Find premium expired domains that are powerful, relevant and free of SPAM
- Build an effective PBN with no footprint
- Use a PBN the "right way" to improve your rankings
- Use an exact repeatable process (with my procedures)
- Build a quality PBN at a remarkably low cost!
This guide has everything you need to build a powerful PBN by yourself but if you are tight on time and want to simply pay my team to build you your PBN right visit my service...
- The Best One Click - Done For You PBN Building Service &
This Guide Works - Less than 10% of the 10,000+ PBN sites my team have created have ever been de-indexed!