Ranking content in Google and generating valuable traffic is hard…but it is my favorite way to grow almost any business. It just takes too long… unless you start with an “unfair” competitive advantage of an expired domain that already has traffic!
I have had a constant problem with my portfolio – monitoring all of them!
There have been times where a solid money site has gone 6+ months with an important link that used to make money not working!
Today I am introducing SiteBuddy for the first time.
When I first used this tool I was shocked at how much work was needed to fix up even my most important(closely monitored) sites in my portfolio!
What is shocking is that NO ONE has run their site through and not had opportunities to fix things and make more money. 100% of sites that have been run through the tool had opportunities for making more money identified!
We have built a tool to help you monitor your money site for the things that matter…
Get notified if you are losing money
Make more money (as an amazon affiliate initially)
It is starting as a tool to help you make more money with your amazon affiliate site but has plans to grow into more!
Your Money Site Is Losing Money… It Doesn’t Need To!
Monitoring your money sites is hard!
You work your ass off to get traffic to your site and then end up not efficiently monetizing the traffic. Here are just some of the problems we all experience…
Affiliate links break
You link to a product that is now out of stock
You link to a deleted product
Your affiliate link tag is missing or wrong
Sites go down
Your affiliate disclaimer is missing on pages
We are generally seeing 2.5-10% of links on quality sites are missing tags and up to 40% of the product people are linking to is out of stock!
See the case studies below for examples.
How Does SiteBuddy Make You More Money?
SiteBuddy monitors your site weekly (not just a one-off scan) to ensure all links to Amazon are…
Using the proper affiliate tags
Linking to a product in stock
Linking to a product that hasn’t been deleted
Each page that has an Amazon link also has an earnings disclaimer
See the case studies below for details on the increase in earnings some sites can achieve!
The team behind SiteBuddy is worth introducing now.
Conor – Co-Founder CTO – Conor identified the opportunity and has been building this tool.
Brady – Co-Founder CMO – Brady is deep in the trenches of building Amazon Affiliate sites both at BrandBuilders.io and for his own portfolio. He talks with more money site owners then anyone I know and deeply understands their pain points!
We are committed to sharing everything with an uncomfortable level of transparency as SiteBuddy gets built out!
Monthly Update – Brady will be sharing a monthly update, signup at SiteBuddy.io to follow along on the journey
Real-Time Dashboard – We are all inspired by companies that share EVERYTHING… we will be doing the same here sitebuddy.io/dashboard (coming soon)
Public Roadmap – Definitely has some downsides but we want to be sharing the vision for what SiteBuddy will become beyond just an amazon affiliate link monitoring tool. The entire team will be eager to receive feedback
Public Objectives and Key Results – In the monthly update and on the website we will be
A Useful 100% Free Tool – Don’t you hate when there is a free tool that comes short of adding any value. If you have a smaller site the free tool will 100% be enough for you forever!
Stupid Guarantee – For pro users, we guarantee you will make more money or its free!
Only Actionable Suggestions – Unlike the many tools we use that flood us with data… if there is a problem that SiteBuddy recommends you fix, you can be confident fixing it will result in your making more money!
How Effective is SiteBuddy – Case Studies
Here are just a few examples. In 100% of the cases for sites we have scanned there have been opportunities for improved earnings.
NO sites were error-free…see if yours will be the first at SiteBuddy.io
Every site that has used SiteBuddy has been able to earn more money implementing the changes recommended!
Case Study 1 – 30%+ Of Products Out of Stock and 7%+ Missing Tags!
URL – hidden
Affiliate Disclaimer – No Issues
Affiliate Links – 592 Missing Tags
Products – 285 Out of Stock and 84 Deleted
Fixing these issues should immediately increase the monthly earnings of this site by 10-40% (depending on how much traffic each of the pages in question receives).
Case Study 2 – 20% of Products Have Issues and 3% of Links Are Missing Tags
URL – hidden
Affiliate Disclaimer – No Issues
Affiliate Links – 592 Missing Tags
Products – 285 Out of Stock and 84 Deleted
Case Study 3 – Spencer Haws Case Study – 27% of Products Have Issues
Content writing is one of the steps that has to happen within content marketing. Content marketing consists of a series of steps, including business strategy, keyword research, content writing, publishing, and marketing the created content. Too often, the process of content writing gets mistaken for a business doing content marketing.
Guest post written by Aaron Burton founder of 20XMedia.com, an email marketing agency that specializes in Klaviyo.
Receiving articles like the one we did last week from Aaron make the time/effort/energy that goes into creating giant posts like B2B Lead Gen one totally worth it!
After reading the email and then having a quick call we thought his fast success was worth sharing with everyone!
Here is Aarons post discussing how he was able to achieve the results above!
About a week ago, I read an article on AuthorityWebsiteincome about landing B2B clients. Little did I know this would be the article that helped our agency land its first client.
I was actually just looking for ways to grow my agencies SEO presence. In my search for Google domination I came across an article called “99+ Dofollow Backlinks List To Boost Traffic [Updated In 2019]”. In that blog post I learned which sites passed link juice. Very powerful resource.
I then started browsing Jon’s posts & came across an article called “Ultimate How-To-Guide For B2B Lead Generation”. I was shocked at how in depth & organized it was. Did I mention it had gifs? Can’t go wrong with gifs!
After reading the descriptions of the 3 types of caveman models I figured it would be best to go all in.
I went with the Alpha caveman model. So far I’ve used Hunter.io (free), Mailshake, Zapier (free), Upwork, Nerdydata, & Google sheets (free). Total cost was around $254 so we are $50 away from how much the initial post said it would cost to go all in. At least at the beginning stages.
Building my infinite list
So I knew I wanted to target ecommerce store owners. I used a combination of Nerdydata & a VA to get my initial list of customers. I skipped BuiltWith & Similar Web since I already knew what software my target audience used for their companies.
Gettin’ Nerdy
Nerdydata really lives up to its reputation. You truly do have unlimited power if you use the tool right.
It’s $150 per month for 6 exports. You bet I was factoring if it was worth it or not. I figured worse case scenario I lose $150 but have access to tons of potential prospects. You would have to be extremely bad at outreach if you couldn’t close at least 1 person out of tens of thousands of results.
In the Ultimate B2B Guide they go over how to find contact info from companies who use a certain technology. I had to read that section again because I found out that you can search for just about any keyword. So if I wanted to find beauty companies who use Shopify all I had to do was select Shopify then type in “beauty”.
Formatting problems…
Wish I could tell you it was as simple as downloading the list and uploading it to Mailshake. But with great power comes great responsibility.
First Problem: A lot of the emails were missing or had dummy email addresses such as [email protected] or emails from popular Shopify apps like [email protected].
Second Problem: A handful of companies had more than one email on the same line separated by a comma.
Third Problem: For some reason the software sometimes pulls Shopify logos. I think this is because NerdyData thinks anything with an “@” sign in the text must be an email.
Before we dive in to the filters, make sure to select everything and go to data -> create filter. Every filter listed below can be accessed the same way.
Missing emails
Selecting all -> data -> create filter -> filter by the email column -> filter by condition -> is not empty
Dummy emails
Selecting all -> data -> create filter -> filter by the email column -> filter by condition -> text does not contain example
Logos as emails:
Selecting all -> data -> create filter -> filter by the email column -> filter by condition -> custom formula is
F3 is referencing the first row of the email column. The semicolon is where Google sheets will make the split. If I had 3 emails separated by a semicolon it would spit out 3 emails in their own row.
PS: If you’re planning to skip this step and just have MailShake clean your NerdyData list it’s going to take forever. As a benchmark, cleaning a list of 250 emails takes like 5-7 minutes. So imagine uploading thousands of emails. RIP.
Something told me not to rely on just NerdyData so I had a VA search ecommerce companies on Linkedin. The process was simple. I sent them a job description. Letting them know exactly what data I wanted.
Here were the requirements:
Website Traffic: 20k-800k visitors per month
Numbers of employees: 1-20
Revenue: 250k-10M per year
Data To Collect:
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Positions Ranked:
Executive Director
Director Of sales
Staff & Operations Manager
Operations Manager
Rate: $20-$30 per 250 contacts
I tried to include as many decision maker roles as I possibly could without restricting the VA to just the founder and CEO. Anyone who can sign off on hiring a marketing agency is who I want to get in contact with. The VA’s actually did a good job with finding potential candidates.
These VA’s were already so good at finding emails that I didn’t have to tell them to use tools like Hunter.io. They most likely were already using them or something similar to complete the task.
I remember installing Mailshake and being really excited actually. We do email marketing for ecommerce but never in a B2B setting that’s also automated.
Their prices are pretty fair. Although if you want to use their list cleaning feature and be able to split test you will have to upgrade to the $59/mo level.
The numbers
So I actually ended up creating 2 campaigns in Mailshake. This is because I ran into a formatting mismatch between the leads my Upwork VA’s found & the data I formatted from NerdyData.
Stats from the first campaign (Nerdydata):
73% open rate
2% clicked
3% replied
30% bounced (forgot to turn on list cleaning)
Stats from the second campaign (Upwork VA):
32% open rate
1% clicked
4% replied
3% bounced
These screenshots are actually new, however we sent about 266 emails total that led to 1 sale. The funny part is our client actually wanted email marketing done for another company they had. So even if you contact the “wrong people” they may have another business that could use your service.
So which one worked the best? I would say the list the VA’s came up with worked better. Linkedin contacts are more active & usually more long term. While pulling emails from NerdyData doesn’t really guarantee you will find a business that’s been in operation for a while. Mainly because you really have to sort intelligently on NerdyData to get good leads. Also, the high open rate is mainly because it’s customer support job to open emails and respond.
Use list cleaning. You really don’t want your emails to start bouncing like crazy. Even if you’re using something like G Suite you can easily go to spam if your sending to dead emails.
Study your target market more thoroughly. Since your spending money finding the lists & sending emails its best to identify who exactly your looking to target. Think about what software your audience uses.
Make sure you’re formatting is correct in MailShake. Mailshake takes a little getting used to. I had to upload multiple csv files a few times. It’s actually really easy. Every column can basically be used as a personalized token inside Mailshake. Stick to one formatting process so you don’t end up having to create multiple campaigns like I did.
Warm up your Gmail accounts. It’s best to warm up your G Suite accounts so you can start sending more emails per day in Mailshake. G Suite has a limit of 2,000 emails you can send. You can also buy multiple G Suite accounts to send even more. It can get nuts really quick. I recommend making sure your messaging is correct before you burn thousands of leads. Your company’s reputation is very important.
When reading big blog posts like the one’s Jon & his team make, always bookmark them in relevant folders. If I wouldn’t have done that, the post would have been lost forever.
To conclude this post I wanted to thank AuthorityWebsiteIncome for putting together such a great post. Your methods definitely made my life a lot easier. Now I have a consistent way to bring in new business. Thanks!
I always get emails from potential clients asking about PBNs and whether or not they still work in today's day and age. The last time I did one of these updates was back in 2017, which you can find here. However, I decided to do a little test with one of my sites to see how it reacts to PBNs in 2019. During this test, I decided to try and improve 6 keywords by pointing 1 PBN link to each. Below are the results, most of the results were positive however there are a few that had little improvement. This could be due to competitiveness of the niche or that it may need a little more time to pass the link juice onto that keyword.
Keyword #1: This keyword was stuck around the 38-40 rank but within 2 months of the PBN link being live, it bumped up to #7.
Keyword #2: This keyword lost its rankings back in October, where it fluctuated between 55-60. I wanted to try and bring it back to life as it was a high volume keyword. The link went live on Feb 20th so less then a month later it popped back up in the charts at 48. I am hopeful that after a few more weeks it will move a little more.
Keyword #3: This keyword is one where it either may need a bit of time or it may need more links in order to help it move more in the rankings. The PBN link was added Jan 5th, it did drop its rankings in October and the link seemed to help it gain back its rankings. Hopefully in a few more weeks it will move a bit more.
Keyword #4: This keyword was consistently sitting at 5 in Google for a long time. After getting a PBN posted on Jan 3rd, the keyword took a bit of a ranking hit but soon increased its rankings and is now sitting at 1 for a keyword with a volume of 2K/month and is a buyer intent keyword as well.
Keyword #5: This keyword was sitting at 4 for a while. After the link was posted, the keyword lost its rankings completely, however about a week later the ranking came back and within 2 months, the keyword bumped up to #1.
Keyword #6: This PBN link was posted on Jan 10th, it initially had some good traction and climbed to 29th but then dropped to 32. It would of been nice for it to stay up but it is ranking higher than it was prior to the link, so although not a huge push, it still moved a bit.
Frequently Asked Questions on PBNs
What is a PBN link?
PBN (private blog network) are sites that are built up with the intent to link to your site. We find expired domains that still have quality links pointing to them, build a similar website on the expired domain and link to your money site. The end result is you can create network of high authority and relevant sites linking back to your money site and increasing its rankings in Google.
How do you get PBN links?
There are two approaches you can take when building PBN links. One is to create your own sites, which I have created a how to guide here. The other is to use services such as LightningRank who will do everything for you.
How many PBN links do I need?
This is a very hard thing to judge as there are so many factors that are involved in the process. What we usually like to do is look at a few similar sites that are ranking higher for a particular keyword and look at how many links are pointing to that page in Majestic. If there are 10 links but 7 of them are very low quality (ie TF<10 and CF<10) we do not count them. So we would only count 3. Meaning we believe that we would roughly need about 3 links to rank that keyword similar to that site.
How risky is it to use PBNs?
Just like any links on the internet, there are risks associated with using PBN links. You must decide if the risk is worth it to see if you can improve your rankings. We do keep up with Google algorithms and make changes to our process so that we keep up with building sites that are able to mostly withstand Google.