Month 11 Income Report – Record Traffic but also Failures

It was another record traffic month! But my nothing but good news story had to stop at some point and here it is a post where I don’t get to report record income numbers for my case study website.

Also in this post I go into why I am planning on killing an email list that is getting a 50% opt in rate! I am curious if you think I am making a bad decision.

Although I am still very happy with the site and progress throughout my business, July was a month of a couple failed projects. I will dig into those in a lot of detail in this month’s post and what I have learned from them.

First… I am trying to keep consistent about getting these income reports out within the first week but all my focus was on creating the monster expired domain tutorial…my apologies. In my Aug income report (hopefuly published in the first week of September) I will talk more about the impact of that 8000 word, 6 video and custom tool post.


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