Humanizing Ecommerce – Live Call and Live Chat Support for Shopify
As my business continues to morph I am enjoying tackling new and interesting projects with the right teams!
At the end of last year I added a Shopify site to one of my sites and this year have added another.
I had been hesitant to jump into Ecommerce because I thought it would be another set of skills I would need to master but have found it to be a great compliment to my business.
Results for My Shopify Store:
Although starting a BUNCH of projects has a BIG downside the upside is it identifies a TON of new problems I can throw myself and my team at to solve!
This post is about a couple of those problems and how a team I am involved with is working to solve them…
Humanize Ecommerce by Bringing Live Chat and Live Call Support to the Shopify Masses!
If you are an Ecommerce store owner then it can be very difficult to offer the level of customer support you want to provide to your customers without spending either a TON of money or being attached to your phone instead of doing ecommerce marketing!
People know Live Chat and Live Call support would be nice to have managed but unless they are a giant team there are not many cost effective options!
Live Support Is Not Just About Support – It Is About Sales and Conversions As Well!
Providing a superior customer support experience to your visitors is vital but live support is not just about customer support it is also about increasing sales!
In many studies both a phone number and live chat have been shown to improve conversions!
From MyWifeQuitHerJob… “Having a phone number in plain view is VERY IMPORTANT!”
From KissMetrics Both Phone and Live Chat Results…
Live Chat and Live Call Support EXCLUSIVELY for Shopify Ecommerce business owners!
LiveChatNinjas was actually a business that was started by someone else and then me and a team purchased it with the plan of continuing to work on it and grow it.
LiveChatNinjas offers 24hr x 6 day per week support for your customers to answer customer support and technical questions.
Checkout LiveChatNinjas Here
In addition to the team running LiveChatNinjas we saw an opportunity to expand the same audience to cross promote a similar service for phone support!
So a great programmer (turned manager) has put together a very robust system that allows for metered billing and we have a scalable local (Canadian) Shopify and phone support team handling all the calls.
(example usage report for one of our clients)
Checkout LiveCallNinjas Here
To Answer the Inevitable Question…
Typically whenever I talk about a new project I get questions along the lines of “how do you keep everything straight” the answer is a simple structure of meetings and spreadsheets…
- Daily Execution Standup Meeting
- Weekly 1:1 Meeting With Each Business Manager where we review the project tracking sheet for their business
- The manager does all the hard work!
The fun part of some of these type of projects is you never know if you are onto a winner or not… all we can do is put together the best possible offer, price it competitively and get people aware of it/drive traffic to it!
What do you think… are we onto a winner here Humanizing Ecommerce with LiveChat and LiveCall Ninjas?
If you or if you know anyone who might benefit from these services we would love to chat with them and help continue to validate the product/market fit… just reach out to me [email protected]