Income Report Roundup – Oct 2019
October is typically a great month for online business! People are back from vacation, no BIG holidays and the weather isn’t always amazing so lots of people pushing to have a big Q4!
The team internally has been especially productive in October and we were able to hit publish on some BIG guides here at my blog.
There are a few growth opportunities the team is busy working away on and I am very excited about! More on these will be revealed over the coming months.
#1 takeaway – Invest for Growth – Several of the sites covered here have invested money in various areas to grow their businesses. Although it resulted in decreased net income for some, the additional growth potential has set them up for more potential future success. They have invested in areas such as:
- Advertising – Advertising your website can be highly effective in growing traffic. The key is knowing your target audience and crafting a campaign that reaches them effectively. Many entrepreneurs on this list have found a lot of success with Google ads.
- Content Creation – One of the most effective SEO strategies for your blog is to create strong, relevant content. Some entrepreneurs used October to invest heavily in freelance writing to publish more and more content and drive traffic.
Quick October Update on my End:
- Big posts at (more to come!)
- B2B Lead Generation System – someone already used and went from 0 to 2k MRR in 1 week!
- ContentRefined has a couple interesting projects in the works
- The growth rate for has continued to go crazy – see dashboard
- MotionInvest made some pivots and has continued to be able to buy and sell great sites!
- Transition month here in Canada with the bikes going away and getting the ski gear out!
My Reason for This Round Up:
When I started my online entrepreneurship journey I took a lot of inspiration from others that were sharing everything they did online. Seeing that people like me were making REAL money and that the opportunity to replace my day job was possible.
It has been 3 years since I left my day job –
The more transparent the report the more I appreciated and was motivated by it.
Over the years I have tried to be as transparent as possible sharing along the way my goals, business successes/failures and the ultimate results(profits).
After years of sharing monthly income posts I decided that it made sense to stop these… a decision I actually regret as I wish I had found a way to keep sharing some of what I was doing. My reason was as my online world and “real” worlds became more tangled.
Looking at many of the people that originally had an income round up they have also stopped. Namely the most famous in the space Pat Flynn no longer does income round ups.
I will cover…
- List of inspiring income report posts and how they earned their profits
- Recognize motivating people showing not just telling people the results they are achieving
- Learn from others – What the key learning is from the people
Last Month Profit – $20,374.95
Name – Ron Stefanski
Website –
Business Model – Authority Affiliate Site
Income Report –
Key Lesson(s):
- October was the best month Ron ever had!
- Ron began to use Google AdSense auto ads on his websites, which he accounts for about a 10% increase in revenue! Great return on investment.
- Ron began to invest heavily in YouTube ads as well. So although his net income stayed about the same (due to the extra investment), his revenue actually grew a lot.
- The overall growth rate has been incredible! (look at the graph below)
Checkout the video I did with Ron and be sure to read his gripping story here!
Last Month Profit – $5178
Name – Lidiya
Website –
Business Model – Blogging
Income Report –
Key Lesson(s):
- Lidiya’s profits continue to grow, now into the $5000 range.
- Content is key: Lidiya spends most of her time ensuring that her content is top notch and relevant.
- Lidiya invested more effort into her email marketing. This included building her email list and staying in touch with her subscribers, including working on offering more “freebies” to get more subscriptions.
- She began using automation and sequencing to introduce new people to her brand.
Last Month Profit – no update this month
Name – Spencer Haws
Website –
Business Model – Authority Affiliate Site
Income Report –
Key Lesson(s):
- No income report published this month.
Last Month Profit – $3105.33
Name – Johnny FD
Website –
Business Model – Mixed – Dropshipping & Investing
Income Report –
Key Lesson(s):
- Johnny’s income for the month came from investments that he made when he sold his previous dropshipping business.
- Although this was his lowest profit month in, he is not too stressed. He knows he will need another revenue stream soon, and is working on a plan for one.
- Johnny is hesitant to start another dropshipping business because of the time and effort involved.
- He remains a partner in a few dropshipping stores that he helped build, receiving about 15% of profits. His goal is to sell these stores after 12 months of consistent profit.
Last Month Profit – $38,158
Name – Jon Dykstra
Website –
Business Model – Authority Website (display ads)
Income Report –
Key Lesson(s):
- Jon found his website traffic and his RPMs go up in October, which is unusual for him in Fall.
- Jon moved all of his websites to Ezoic, because he saw great results in September from moving two of his sites to that platform.
- Jon started a tagging strategy in October, tagging about 3,500 posts!
- Jon’s income reports do not include his income from Fat Stacks Blog, but from the niche sites that he owns.
Ryan Robinson
Last Month Profit – $21,200.09
Name – Ryan Robinson
Website –
Business Model – Authority Website (affiliate earnings)
Income Report –
Key Lesson(s):
- Traffic went up significantly! Went up to 459,996 unique readers and 561,732 unique sessions.
- Ryan published 9 new long form articles on blogging-related topics.
- Expenses went up a bit in October due to publishing more content with freelance writers.
- Ryan kicked off a complete website redesign process, which was also a cause for the increase in expenses.
Honourable Mentions:
Although they don’t do exactly income reports there are a few reports that are worth mentioning and when they publish new reports I will be sure to include.
- No honorable mentions this month
Am I missing any I should include? Please drop a message in the comment section below with anyone I should include next month!