How to create content in timeline on WordPress

If you are getting ready for vacation and there is going to be no opportunities to publish new posts, it is better to use WordPress opportunity for «submitting articles in future». You write a post in advance, fill in date in future and it is going to appear right on the time.
There are some additional ways to post on WordPress website — not only in case of you to go somewhere, but also for comfortable management of a big number of posts in order to do updates on a regular basis.

This is about two plugins, but first, let me restore in memory a basic opportunity of WordPress for newbies.
So, after you get a new post done in your blog, note tags, categories, keywords, and then press the «Post» button. At that you may notice, that, as a date there is a current value (time and date).
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Editorial Calendar plugin
If there are many blogs, you manage with a lot of publications, which are not only planned to be published during a week but maybe even during a month then, of course, a basic interface for a view of all the posts will not be quite comfortable.
Something like a calendar would be a perfect decision in that case, where you could see all the posts for a certain period of time and easily manage them (replace, edit and so on). Editorial Calendar plugin or this complete publishing schedule solution will make your job easier.
In order to install the plugin, find it in the WordPress admin panel or download it from an official website. Un-zip it, upload on FTP in wp-content/plugins directory and activate in the system.
After that, there is going to be a new option on the menu in «Notes» of the admin panel. More to the point, it is going to appear for all the rest of your custom post types.
Basic functions of Editorial Calendar plugin are:
1. View of all posts and publication dates.
2. Drag and drop mechanism of all posts in the calendar, which allows changing their dates fast.
3. Fast editing for headlines, contents and posts time is available.
4. Possibility to publish posts from the calendar or adding drafts meaning notes st1atus management.
5. Posts status view.
6. Posts management for a few authors, which means that you will be able to see in admin panel who, what and when is going to publish or already published.
In order to change Editorial Calendar plugin settings, choose «Desktop settings» tab at the top (Screen options).
There is a display option of those very authors, let alone status and publication date. In addition, you can choose a number of weeks displayed on the screen at the same time, values from 1 to 5 are available, optimally by default to 3 weeks.
By the way, there is an option of handy navigation between months and weeks in the calendar.
In general, the plugin is functional, handy, and what is the most important, is very useful for its tasks execution 100% doing the job.
Auto-Schedule Posts plugin
Auto-Schedule Posts is one more plugin for publication timeline work in the blog. The basic idea is as follows that adding new posts and pushing the «Post» button, a module «catches» them and keeps until a certain criterion is not done.
You define these criteria or settings in the WordPress system — when exactly a post is required, with what regularity
Namely, it may be posting in selected spans of time, which will take into consideration a maximum number of posts per day, which, in its turn, should pass in-between two posts.
For Auto-Schedule Posts module installation, you need to download an archive from WordPress official website, un-zip, after that upload in FTP in wp-content/plugins folder.
When it is done, activate in admin panel — a page with settings should appear in the admin panel.
As you can see, all settings are directed to pointing a specific time of publications — on weekdays, time and with a selected interval.
It will allow WordPress users not to think about when to post an article, not to choose a date manually or through a calendar, but simply add posts.
The option seems to be quite handy for big news portals, where many texts. Besides, Auto-Schedule Posts plugin will not bother manually fixed dates of publications, meaning will not destroy already in place priority — there is an option Include Manually Scheduled Posts for that in settings.
A regularity of publications in a blog is actually an essential component, both in case of keeping an ordinary blog and, for example, a news portal.
If there are not that many posts, it all can be followed manually but for big volumes of texts with different authors and so on, there is a point to use special plugins.
Editorial Calendar and Auto-Schedule Posts can do a power of good at work, making it simpler and clearer.
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