Content Site Income Report – October 2022

Introducing a new case study: A fully outsourced AI content + expired domain + Ezoic content site portfolio.

I have a portfolio of sites that had been mostly neglected, but I have decided to put on an effort to rebuild them. Most of these sites are built on expired domains from and content created using GPT-3 tools, then significantly human-edited, similar to how produces content.

I have hired a manager, given them access to tools, and had them build out procedures that I reviewed. This has been going now for about 6 months and its time to start providing a monthly income report.

Overall I am really happy with the progress of the sites, the content quality being useful, and the cost/article we are currently producing. 

My plan is that each month we are going to share the traffic, revenue, expenses and overall PnL for a portfolio income.

Why Expired Domains? The power of backlinks in the eyes of google is undeniable. Building relevant sites on expired domains continue to be a SEO “hack” we see work.

Why AI Content? AI content with a human editor to spot-check and fact-check produces solid quality content that is useful at unbeatable prices.

Why EZoic? Ezoic is the simplest way to monetize sites successfully. It Beats Adsense all day! When it makes sense, some sites have affiliate monetization, but the focus is on traffic and display ads. 

Why Fully Managed? In this case study, I have a manager assigned to the portfolio managing everything! From the sites to the writers to ezoic. 

The aim is marginally profitable solid growth.  

Everything below is prepared by the manager (who is awesome!). Finding management to run a portion of the business has always been the key to success for my businesses whether it is affiliate or FBA.

Here’s how our portfolio of AI-driven content has performed in October 2022 with Ezoic. 

1. Traffic & Earning Overview (Ezoic)

Our portfolio sites get the most traffic from search engines, and Google is the primary source.

After the latest updates from Google, we noticed positive and negative impacts on the AI content sites. While some sites significantly improved their SERP rankings, others lost a substantial portion of top-ranking keywords, creating an unrelaxed fluctuation in the overall traffic for the portfolio. 

The overall portfolio traffic in October lost 9.62% in total visits (75,570 compared to 83,610 in September 2022) and 9.27% in terms of page views (88,413 vs. 97,448 in September 2022).


Regarding revenue, the portfolio sites show similar statistics to traffic, a 10.90% drop compared to the previous month (September 2022) and a tiny drop in ePMV of 1.42%. It’s pretty obvious not to maintain a higher total revenue while there’s a 14,000 fewer page views gap than the previous month.


While the October traffic and revenue outcome of the portfolio is not successive to September, we have a much better result for an entirely AI-driven portfolio than the same month of the last year.

The portfolio growth data (Oct 2022 vs. Oct 2021): 

  1. Total Visits (+147.70%)
  2. Pageviews (+141.43%)
  3. Revenue (+182.53%) 
  4. ePMV(+14.06%)

2. Traffic Overview By Site

Traffic data per site on the portfolio has had frequent ups and downs following the Google algorithm updates in the last couple of months. Some of the major sites’ traffic dropped a little bit, while other new sites have evolved into a major contributor to the portfolio’s overall traffic, and some other sites tanked.

Here are October traffic data from a couple of prominent sites in the portfolio: (compared to September 2022) 


The portfolio obtained a total of 75,570 traffic in the month of October across all sites, 36,244 being the maximum and 164 being minimum traffic for a site. We found an overall change of -8,040 visits to the previous month and -9,035 that of page views.

The maximum pageview gained by an AI content site in Oct was 41,515, and 174 was the minimum. That would be average traffic of 5894 across all sites in the portfolio publishing AI content.

3. Revenue Data Per Site

The portfolio’s revenue stats are directly proportional to October’s visits and page view stats. The total revenue for the portfolio was $738.51 in Oct 2022, with $467.32 as the highest revenue for a site with an average ePMV of $7.19 compared to $7.31 of the previous month (September) across all sites. 

The maximum ePMV during the month was $21.03 and registered the minimum ePMV of $1.45 for a site with the least page views.


The changes in terms of ePMV and Revenue are -1.69% and -9.46% from the previous month (September), respectively. 

4. Expense

Running a website portfolio with multiple sites publishing regular content can be quite expensive. Having a functional, well-managed AI content machine was the plan to reduce the cost of content creation. 

To produce content with an AI copywriter tool, we have a team of human writers who follows specific guideline, take care of the content creation, does fact check for AI-generated texts, and does the optimization to ensure output quality and authenticity. 

So we have a combined monthly expense of the editorial team and AI copywriter tool (our primary AI copywriter is, which generates texts for a fixed price per word.

Here’s the portfolio October total expanse compared to revenue generated with Ezoic Ad revenue (excluding other revenue sources) looks like:


Key data:

  1. Total expanses: $652.00
  2. Total Revenue: $740.73
  3. Profit (with Ezoic revenue): $88.73 
  4. % of profit Ezoic revenue brings in: 13.61% 

5. Changes & Focus:

The unpredictability of website performance in terms of traffic and revenue has always been a part of content-based websites, especially those that get the most part of their traffic from search engines. 

To publish content that is written with AI support and still do well in Google SERP, we need to put great effort into content quality and optimization. That being one of the primary focuses, we also need to ensure delivering an optimized experience to the reader. 

Apart from maintaining the content quality, our objectives for the sites in this portfolio are, 

  1. Delivering simplicity: a simple and easy-to-understand approach to delivering information people are looking for and letting them access something without having to deal with complex elements on the site.
  2. Visual Hierarchy: we attempt to organize the website elements so that the visitors naturally see the most important elements first.
  3. Navigability: All the sites have navigations that are well organized, allowing visitors to have an idea about the clusters quickly and letting people find what they are looking for.
  4. User-centricity: we believe in the idea and build & update the websites in the portfolio to convey smoother usability and experience to the users. After all, it is the users who will experience the website and explore its contents.
  5. Accessibility: we try our best to reduce anything that can prevent users from accessing the website and can break the functionality.
  6. Responsivity: the sites are 100% responsive to be compatible with many different devices our visitors use. 
  7. Maintain a Good site health score: ensuring the site does not have minor issues such as abuse of headings, metadata, or links is vital because they can be decisive when you are pushing for the SERP position and want your pages to be 100% ready to compete with a quality piece of content. If done right, it’s quite possible with AI copywriting tools.
  8. Site speed and web vitals: site speed and maintaining good web vitals is one of our primary objectives. Our internal data states that with speed upgrade, portfolio sites led to a much better crawling experience for the Google bot and resulted in ~ 6x daily crawling requests compared to before. 

Not only that, fast-loading sites improve the browsing experience and provide us peace of mind after having passed web vitals matrices on the google search console. We also improved our visitor’s time on the page and page depth on the site with the speed upgrade, thanks to Ezoic’s CDN and performance tool (LEAP).


1. The addition of a new site to the portfolio

With a plan of smoothly running currently available sites on the portfolio, we look forward to adding potential sites to grow within our strategy. Having a functional setup to publish regular AI content and a plan to optimize them makes bringing new sites to the portfolio easier. 

Once a new site arrives, we scale the site’s current traffic, design, performance, and other elements to come up with a plan that can lift up the overall quality and experience. Once the site is ready – we strategically prepare a content plan to execute in the upcoming months. 

That being said, not every site we added to our portfolio has had a great time and better output. Some sites tanked and lost a significant portion of the traffic – but most of those threats arrived after the recent Google updates. It brings in the debate of Google penalizing AI content sites which does not hold TRUE for other AI content sites in the portfolio. 

Sites that lost a major portion of traffic lately were the sites ranked well for previously created content. It is safe to say those were not the best quality documents available on the internet for a particular search query. We are still putting our effort into better content updates to see and test how those pages perform as we advance. 

Number of sites added to the portfolio in October: 2

2. Nameserver connection for Ezoic

Ezoic recommends the nameserver connection method to integrate your site with the platform for better site performance and revenue boost. Earlier on, we had many sites integrated with the Ezoic plugin now all of them switched to the nameserver method. 

With the nameserver connection, the site performance has improved a lot. Almost all sites in the portfolio are passing or close to passing web vitals… although we needed to bring some visual and technological changes to the site. 

The improvement in performance and loading of the primary page elements faster helps the ads load faster. Pages and ads that load faster can improve your ad revenue by a decent margin and definitely help our sites to increase Ezoic ad revenue.

3. Seasonal decline & monitor performance

Seasonal interest and demand for products and services affects sites and is a perfectly natural, annoyingly unavoidable aspect of websites, even in any business. Quite obviously, our sites in the portfolio aren’t independent of seasonality. 

There are unpredictable ups and down in terms of traffic for the sites. Having to maintain lots of sites in the portfolio and smoothly take care of other aspects of the sites, it becomes quite challenging to keep a close eye on each site individually. 

Semrush and Ahrefs help us by providing the traffic overview and keywords found in organic searches for each site. It gives us an idea of the ongoing traffic state of a site compared to what could be a scenario for the site in the coming months based on the trajectory of organic keywords. 


In addition, we can analyze the organic keywords situation, and based on their latest form; we can decide to improve the content if required. 


Conclusion: It is fun to manage multiple sites and have a proper plan to run them all together while still making some decent profit with provisions to increase revenue in the future. This could easily be a project that consumes most of our time, but a well-designed plan and ready-to-use tools + the right people in the right place, make it much easier to manage the portfolio.

This income report serise is aimed at sharing our growth and the fundamentals that helped us reach here, minor details that can help you build your AI-driven website’s portfolio at a significantly lower cost.

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How To Detect LCP Elements On Your Website

We can’t discuss fixing web vitals without discussing one key factor called LCP, the Largest Contentful Paint. LCP is essential to the user experience. People typically don’t like to wait for a page to start loading when they could immediately get a faster experience elsewhere. 

LCP tells you how long it takes to load the main contents of your page and become readable to the users. The faster the LCP is, the better-performance impression a user gets on your website. 

The largest Contentful Paint is considered one of the main factors on the web vital and starting to play a vital role in your page rank on the SERPs. To be in favor of Google and have pages that deliver a better experience for the visitors, it’s important to remain on top of your LCP.

Poor LCP can be one of the reasons for higher bounce rates, ranking issues, or even lower conversion rates.

What is a Good Or Bad LCP?

According to Google, the main content of a page should load within 2.5 seconds when a user tries to visit a page, which refers to having a good LCP. If the main content takes more than 5 seconds, people are likely to exit from your site and be considered poor LCP. 

Usually, when a page can maintain a good LCP (main content load time under 2.5 seconds) for 75% of the time, the performance is considered good in Google Search Console.

This image explains how LCP ratings are categorized. 

Image credit:

What can cause poor LCP and how to detect it?

There’s not a definite element that is responsible for LCP. Anything that slows down the page rendering process could be the reason for the LCP issue on your pages. Usually, the elements that take up a lot of space, media players, unoptimized images, social media buttons with 3rd party connections, and newsletter sign-up forms can increase your page’s load time.

If we dive deeper to find the primary reasons for LCP, they can be classified this way.

1. Slow Server Response Times

Regardless of how much you try to optimize your website, if you have a slow server, its response time will slow down your page loading matrices. This will definitely result in a poor LCP record.

Bad server back-end infrastructure, unoptimized databases, and longer time to resolve API requests are often the reasons for slow server response time. 

So the first step towards improving your LCP records is to host your website on a fast web server. 

2. Slow Resource Load Times

Resources that are large in file size or have a dense visual impact will take longer to load. Unoptimized images, GIF files, videos, and many text content above the fold will affect your LCP record. 

The best way to take care of your LCP is to compress file size, ensure loading only necessary elements above the fold, and avoid video or large image files in the first print.

3. Render blocking Javascript and CSS

CSS and Javascript play a significant role in how they are being served. Adding javascript and CSS to make a fancy-looking web page will eventually cost your page performance. 

It’s true that without CSS and javascript codes, we can’t add dynamic, interactive, and attractive elements to our websites. But the timing of execution for these files should be taken care of. If you load them in head and they take longer execution time, it will block other website assets from loading. 

Reducing render-blocking assets can significantly boost your pages in terms of LCP. Still, you must remember while fixing render-blocking, you are not shifting important libraries and javascript & CSS codes to the footer. This might end up with a broken web page or an accessibility issue.

4. Client-side Rendering

Rendering web pages in the browser with JavaScript is a popular web development method. Client-side rendering can be one of the main reasons for LCP issues if your pages use this method. 

Client-side rendering involves the browser collecting and loading javascript before rendering primary content on the page. The webpage might struggle to pass LCP matrices depending on the rendering time and complexity.

So when you are concerned about your LCP and have client-side rendering on your site, consider optimizing or avoiding client-side rendering if possible. 

How to discover LCP elements on your page?

To fix LCP issues, you need to know what your LCP is. I have ordered the steps we follow to analyze the LCP of a web page and have the plan to take necessary action to fix it.

1. Use Google Search Console

A good way to confirm your page has LCP issues is by checking Google Search Console’s web vital section. The web vital section displays URL’s performance status collected across real users’ devices. You will have a unique report for desktop and mobile versions. 

When the URLs are good, your site LCP has to be good. But when they are marked as “need improvement” or “poor,” you might need to check which web vital metrics are actually flailing & need rechecking.

web-vitals-google search-console

2. Use page speed insight

Page speed insight is a dedicated tool to instantly check the web vitals of a page over the latest 28-day collection period and via live test. When the origin data in page speed insight has an LCP of less than 2.5 seconds means it’s in a safe range.


It’s the more than 2.5 sec LCP when you should be concerned and try to fix it. The instant test of Page Speed Insight should help you identify elements that are responsible for LCP.

Steps – 

  1. Go to page speed insight
  2. Perform a test on your page.
  3. Scroll down to the “Diagnose performance issues” section.
  4. Then set the “Show audits relevant to” to LCP.
  5. You will be displayed the opportunity to improve LCP and diagnostics.

3. Use Ezoic’s Browser Extension

Another easy way to inspect your LCP elements is via the browser extension by Ezoic. Usually, this extension is useful for creating ad and video placeholders on your pages. You can adjust those placeholders and test different configurations to boost Ezoic revenue.

There is another section called LEAP where you can perform performance-related alerts, debug CDN on a page, analyze the LCP and highlight LCP elements. After analyzing a page, make sure to toggle the “Highlight LCP element” for the plugin to highlight the LCP element in yellow.


4. Test Your Page On Web Page Test is a page performance testing tool that provides in-depth insights. When you scan a page for web vitals, this tool will give you the scores and elements responsible for LCP. 

This is a handy tool to inspect layout shifting issues as well; you can see which element is responsible for the layout shifts on your pages, making it easier for you to fix it. 

The web Page Test report will highlight the LCP elements with green and provide the timing.

Once you are aware of the reasons for LCP, you can proceed to optimize the LCP content to fix LCP issues on your page if any. Here are a couple of tips on fixing LCP issues.

Few Tips To Fix LCP Issues On Your Page:

1. Optimize your images: Make sure your images are lightweight while the quality is intact. I prefer to keep images between 50 – 100 Kb whenever possible, and it’s quite achievable if you are not running a photography website, portfolio website, or any sites where images are a priority. 

2. Preload your logo: Preloading the logo does not add much to performance, but you would want to load your site logo as soon as possible. This usually gives a 2-5% of boost to LCP timing when done right.

3. Avoid using too many fonts: Fonts make a site attractive but loading too many font files will increase the asset load chain and may be responsible for the late printing of texts on a web page. 

4. Localize and preload above-the-fold fonts: Although google fonts are fast, my favorite strategy that seems to work every time is localizing above-the-fold fonts and preloading them. While preloading, you need to be sure that these font files are not too heavy. In addition, your web server’s speed needs to be fast for localized font files to be served faster.

5. Optimize Javascripts: To optimize your JavaScripts remove unused codes, make sure the code is up to date and compatible with modern browsers, use modern JavaScript libraries and try reducing payloads. A caching plugin with javascript management options makes the job easier for you.

6. Optimize CSS codes: Compressing CSS files and implementing critical CSS often solve render-blocking issues related to CSS. Removing unused CSS files from your WordPress site can help scale down the LCP metric.

Relevant posts:

  1. Case Study – Article to Video by Ezoic and Its Impact  
  2. Ezoic Site Speed Accelerator Price Review and Test
  3. 5 Best WordPress Speed Optimization Services You Can Hire

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Case Study – Article to Video by Ezoic and Its Impact  

Ezoic has been helping its publisher to monetize their websites with no barriers. Allowing the publisher to host videos on their website and monetize them without having to face any prerequisites for monetizing can allow many publishers to generate substantial amounts of revenue if they can create video content relevant to their website.

Just when you think this could be an excellent opportunity to increase your revenue, Ezoic comes up with something even more attractive. The latest addition of a tool called Flickify turns your articles into videos with an AI narrator in less than a minute.

You can convert any post from your website to an article just by scanning your post, selecting a narrator’s voice, choosing your theme, and adding images or videos if you want – all these without needing an expensive production crew.

Ezoic claims that the purpose of hosting video & its monetization is to improve page SEO, increase ad revenue, and an opportunity to get your videos indexed & appeared on search engines. All of these mean more traffic and ad revenue to your site.

TEST – Ezoic’s Article To Video Conversion & Its Impact On SEO + Revenue

Based on the available tools on Ezoic, we wanted to combine the “article to video conversion” tool and video hosting to see what kind of result we could get for one of our websites.

We aimed to set up a test with 24 posts that have received the most traffic during the last 2 months and group them with similar post views where each group consists of two posts. One of the two posts will have a video created on Ezoic and have video monetization enabled.

The post without video will be a reference point for us to compare what kind of impact the video insertion has bought on the other page. The key areas we wanted to look at for each URL are:

  1. Pageview count
  2. Pageview duration 
  3. Page RPM
  4. Page Performance

We can analyze the “before and after” impact with these data for the set of URLs we gathered, and with that intent, we let the test run for 30 days. 

As discussed, we looked at 24 articles and created a video for 12 of them, while the other 12 were the “control group,” all on the same site. 

After a month, we tried to compare one on one and the average data for the URLs, and it’s pretty visible that we have a mixed output for our matrices. Here are our takeaways: 

  1. We assumed with the addition of videos; the page views might increase for pages with video in them due to videos getting indexed and displayed on search engines. Although that was not the output we have in terms of page views – we understand that video visibility on search engines might require more time than 30 days. In addition, page views decreased slightly for the non-video pages, which let us believe it’s a sitewide drop in traffic than just on pages that recently had video inserted. We noticed a -14.63% decrease in pageviews for articles with video and -15.44% for articles without videos.
  2. With the addition of video, we also assumed that it could increase the pageview duration. In this criteria, we found a mixed result, with some non-video pages continuing to have a similar pageview duration. In contrast, some pages with video had a higher page view duration than the previous month. This is not the case for all pages with videos, so it might be too soon to conclude anything at the moment.
  3. Ezoic claimed one of their main priorities is maximizing ad revenue with video monetization. It holds true for our test, but it appears to be a site-wise RPM increase than just on the video pages. Articles without videos showed a 13.43% increase in RPM over the test period, whereas articles with videos had an 11.15% increase. It is safe to say within the 30 days time range, the videos were not the pillar for RPM increase.


Site Traffic Change:

Articles with Video: -14.63%

Articles without Video: -15.44%

RPM Change:

Articles with Video: +11.15%

Articles without Video: +13.43%


It is always way more fun when the case study reveals AMAZING results… this is not yet the case. 

So the current conclusion is that the video tool is an amazingly simple way to create decent-quality videos. However, it is not a magic bullet to drive increased SEO and earnings benefits. 

We will continue testing this tool, but the current results show that the fundamental approach of… do it if it adds value to your audience and doesn’t do it if it doesn’t hold with simple video creation. 

We will also update this case study in a few months since the timing of only 1 month is not long enough, as we can see, to provide us with sufficient output. 

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Content At Scale Review [Tool Walkthrough and Test Output]

If an AI makes your job easier as a content writer, it’ll be ridiculous not to use it. There are many AI content-generation tools, and Content At Scale is one of them.

In this review, we aim to find out how Content At Scale differs from the rest of AI content generation tools and does it transmit the DNA of an experienced human writer.

Overall Content at Scale Review

  • Create long-form content within 5 minutes.
  • Inbuilt plagiarism checker.
  • Comes with inbuilt content optimizer + editor.
  • Automatic ‘click to tweet’ & TOC insertion.
  • You just need to provide a keyword to the AI.
  • The price point might not be friendly for all.
  • The software is still in BETA (it can only get better)
  • The dashboard interface can improved

What Is Content At Scale?

Content At Scale is an AI copywriting software based on a combination of 3 AI engines, two natural language processing (NLPs), and semantic search technology that understands user intentions and the underlying meaning behind their searches to create long-form content within 5 minutes.

It claims to generate an entire blog post without human intervention, which is fantastic, considering other competitor tools require somebody to control the content flow. However, you will still need to accomplish the reality check and optimize the content before publishing it.

Unlike other popular AI content generation tools, you get access to a comprehensive editor, which I find very similar to Surfer SEO. The editor provides relevant keyword insights and an on-page SEO checklist to ensure you create epic content insured to outrank the competitors.

We were able to generate articles of ~ 2000 words in less than 5 minutes that include a title, meta description, table of contents, headings, a URL slug, and paragraphs.

Top Features of Content At Scale

  1. 3 AI copywriting engines working together.
  2. Inbuilt plagiarism scanner tool.
  3. SEO optimization interface & checklist.
  4. Long-form content creation without a human writer.
  5. Low-cost solution.
content At Scale beta

A Walkthrough to Content At Scale

Not many AI content generators can create long-form content without an editor combining the pieces like Content At Scale. You start by providing the AI with a keyword that generates the entire article, which is plagiarism-free.

That means you don’t have to spend time generating a single or couple of paragraphs and having to make sure the content is plagiarism free on top of that. This is the most attractive feature Content At Scale has that separates it from popular AI copywriter Jasper (previously known as Jarvis) and many others.

It’s not only about the generation of long-form content; it’s more about the quality it brings to the content which we found is close to well-written content. Although, the standard might vary with the types of content you are aiming to create.

1. A look at the dashboard

Content At Scale dashboard

The Content At Scale Dashboard is the first place you arrive after logging in. It displays the projects you are working on. The projects are like folders where folders are the site or project name, and all the test contents remain inside it. It’s a simple but very effective way to have control over multiple projects running at the same time.

You can add your website URL, the number of posts that set monthly post creation goals for the project, and the context of the website and contents. We really like the idea of having content goals that benefit you to push towards meeting the milestone and keep track of your progress so far.

The dashboard is simple. At the initial stage, you might require little help, but once you create a project, you can get the key data of your content creation process under each project, which is really helpful.

Adding an easier navigation interface can be helpful, but our goal is to create quality content which is what Content At Scale is very good at.

2. Project Management

Content At Scale makes it easy to manage projects from the Dashboard. You will notice three dots on the top right corner of project cards, which expands to the menu during the click event.

The menu gives you an access link to view the project, connect it to the actual WordPress site and manage the project.

In addition, you will notice a project overview that includes the number of drafts and published posts scheduled but not published yet, under editing and optimization.

Content At Scale project menu

To adjust project settings, you can go to ‘manage settings’, where you can adjust the project name, details, and goals. You can also set a few settings to ask the AI to automatically point out key takeaways from a longer section of content.

The AI will automatically generate Tweets with helpful info from your blog post too. All you have to do is toggle the ‘click on the Tweet’ and add your Twitter handle for the tool to do the rest. This could be a fantastic way to attract more visitors to your site.

You can also set pre-defined ‘Post Intro CTA’ and ‘Post Conclusion CTA’ in the text. Here’s what the project settings window looks like.

Content At Scale project settings

3. The WordPress Connection

You can connect your WordPress site with Content At Scale within the website’s dedicated project. Doing so will set the AI to publish content on your site automatically. While this sounds too good to be true, you might miss out on setting up post meta, tags, and custom designs inside your post.

Additionally, I don’t think this would be an ideal solution if you are using a page builder like Elementor, Thrive, or Beaver builder to create your pages. Regardless, you can try this feature on your WordPress site to let the AI take care of publishing content.

How do you create content with Content At Scale?

Content At Scale has an explicit way of content generation. You must have your content intent ready and explain it to the AI. The AI does the rest for you. Here is how to do it:

  1. First, open the project under which you want to create content.
  2. Click on ‘add content’ at the top right corner to create a new post.
  3. Provide your primary keyword, or you can add multiple keywords with a .csv file.
  4. Then provide an overview of the content for AI to better understand what to cover in the post.
  5. With everything set up, you can either set the generation in a queue or create the content immediately.
Content Target Content At Scale

Once the content generation has started, the AI will take a couple of minutes ( less than 5 minutes usually, as we calculated during our tests). Generating an average of 1500 words per article per 5 minutes is an incredible speed.

What Does Content At Scale Editor Brings?

The content editor is the most exciting part of this AI copywriter tool. The interface is great and provides important data about your content. It has the keyword occurrence counter on the right, similar to Frase, followed by an on-page checklist, which is crucial for SEO.

This is how the editor interface looks like in action:

Content At Scale Editor

The AI has already generated an article and URL slug for the post. Within the editor, you can adjust them according to your SEO needs, including the meta description. The meta description was almost on point for our test and felt natural, so we kept them as they are most of the time.

You have the classic editor on the left side of the editing panel. Above the editor, you will find the word count, paragraph, and headings counts. Then to the right, you will find the optimization panel where you can track the optimization progress and maintain the NLP terms by looking at the counts.

Moreover, you can switch the tab to the “Brief” tab, which gives you additional information relevant to the topics you might consider including. The review tab has the plagiarism checker running behind, which checks the plagiarism stats for the content you have just generated.

How Good is the Content Quality?

It will not matter how fast you generate and publish content if the content does not provide value to the readers. They must provide accurate information, be grammatically correct, and not duplicated.

The tool automatically checks plagiarism, so you could use Grammarly to analyze its grammatical profile. You can verify the plagiarism with Grammarly plagiarism checker as well. We tried to run Grammarly check for one of our test contents and found a decent overall score –


We then tried to compare the output with a human-written copy, which wasn’t nearly as remarkable as this. The comparison with the top-ranking articles for that particular term was closer to our output. However, you might still require to perform a reality check before publishing AI-generated content.

Based on the content generation speed, involvement of humans, free from plagiarism, and overall content quality, it’s safe to say Content At Scale is ahead of other AI copywriter tools like Jasper and Rytr.

… or is it too soon to conclude this tool?

Apart from all the good we find out on Content At Scale, it felt like the AI was slightly struggling to create in-depth content for:

  1. Tech tutorials
  2. Comparison articles
  3. Product reviews

We could also need the creators’ assistance (documentation) to create stunning content in these areas. Having said that, we still believe that this tool generates a solid foundation for such content, and you would require an experienced editor to give the content a proper shape.

Pricing | Content At Scale

Looking at the current price, $500 per month for 20 credits does not sound cheap. Each credit means you can generate one article.

The developer claims that we pay an average of $0.04 per word to experienced writers, whereas the AI costs up to $0.01 per word. This sounds closer to what you are paying to an experienced writer, although the AI rate might vary, considering your article length.

You might be generating shorter content (~ 1000 words), but the post will consume 1 credit regardless of the word count.

Content At Scale also has a Done-For-You service which starts at $2,000 per month for 20 articles. They will do the keyword research for you, run their system, optimize your posts, and have 20 posts per month on the website according to the schedule.

Our Verdict | Does Content At Scale Worth It?

Content At Scale does a great job. The overall output, considering the required time place it above other AI content-generating platform by the look of it. This AI copywriter can be a great choice for you when you have the funds and need the content to keep moving.

Having Content At Scale in your project can be helpful to generate content at a much faster rate than with human writers. Being able to generate epic blog posts in 30 minutes sounds too good to be true yet achievable with Content At Scale.

Again, there’s no guarantee this AI tool can always compete against well-researched technical, complicated content written by human writers. Contents that have lots of examples and share insights with data might not be outranked by AI content.

Still, you can create great quality content with Content At Scale, and having your editors run through the content and optimize it will only improve it further.  

Alternatives to Content At Scale:

Hopefully, this review of Content At Scale has given you what you were looking for. Here are a few other solutions that might be useful for growing online business:

  1. Get a money-making site built, content or managed –
  2. If you are interested in buying links that help in rank –
  3. You can improve your website performance and fix your web vitals issues at – Speedy.Site
  4. Another service that helps to improve your Amazon revenue is –

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How To Check SEO and Web Best Practice Compatibilities

We want our site to be flawless to avoid penalties or compatibility issues with search engines. Rectifying technical SEOs, Removing possible accessibility issues, and following best practices of web development are tiny details that can decide your site’s performance on search engines.

To secure these criteria, the basic step is to identify the issues on your page. While we usually lean towards great tools like Ahref and Semrush to scan for page-related issues, one quicker and more efficient way to do this is to perform lighthouse scans via your web browser.

Lighthouse, previously known as the “Audits tool,” is a tool to identify and fix common problems that affect your site’s performance, accessibility, and user experience.

These are the simple steps to run a lighthouse scan on pages across your site:

  • Open an incognito browser window and click on the three dots in the top right corner.
  • Open your website page where you want to carry out the test. 
  • From there, navigate to More tools > Developer tools.
  • Next, select the lighthouse tab on your Dev toolbar. (click on the drop-down icon if Lighthouse is not listed among the visible tabs)
  • Under the “generate lighthouse report” section, set the Mode to “Navigation,” select your preferred device type for testing, and check Performance, Accessibility, Best practices, and SEO under Categories.
  • Once done, click on Analyze page load (the test should take a couple of seconds based on your site speed and asset count)
  • When the test is complete, Lighthouse will rate your page per category and display technical faults, if there are any, similar to this example.
  • Lighthouse reports are great and let you find critical issues on your pages that you might have never thought existed. I encounter many silly mistakes on various page tests, and fixing those issues has been helpful to those sites (personal sites).
  • Moving forward, you can switch the available reports to find individual flows in each category. 

Once you know where the issue is, it becomes easier to resolve it yourself or hire someone to fix it. In addition, performing a lighthouse test takes just a couple of minutes, which can be an essential step towards improving your site to be more favorable to search engines. 

You will receive some recommendations on where to start, and getting these small details resolved will definitely boost the site’s overall impression for real users and search engines.

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