How to Setup Amazon Affiliate Websites on WordPress

Today you will get to see exactly how to setup an amazon affiliate websites on wordpress with great looking and high converting pages.
Here is how to make some of the best looking and well converting amazon affiliate pages I have seen and today we are lucky enough to have person responsible for these pages share exactly how he does it.
Amazon is becoming a bigger part of my portfolio with my biggest month in December bringing in over $3k so it is a topic I am very much interested in!
My Amazon Affiliate Earnings Example
Tools I Use for my Amazon Affiliate WordPress Sites
For my own Amazon sites here are three tools I use to help make the creation of the sites easier and increase the money they earn…
- Hosting – I use 2 hosts for a bunch of my sites. If I am just getting started a cheap and not awesome hosting company is IPage which works if you are getting started and then to upgrade to the best I use WPEngine.
- Cheap host to start with – click here
- Premium host for blazing speed – click here
- SE Cockpit – My new favourite keyword research tool! This tool is fantastic at identifying low competition keywords and generating a TON of ideas and finding keywords extremely quickly!
- Thrive Content Builder (best tool for easily making good looking posts) – Making pages that look good and adding in features like a pricing table is super easy with Thrive. No tool I have found is as effective as Thrive at making posts look good!
- EasyAzon (a must for amazon sites) – Great for any sites linking to amazon to make both the linking easier, able to geo-target without doing any additional work and make more money through longer cookies. If my amazon sites were making $100/month this plugin would pay for itself in only a handful of months(based on some back of the envelope calcs)! Bottom line for me is if you are making money with Amazon Affiliate sites you should look into Easy Azon!
- Amazon Affiliate Program
- WordPress
- Amazon Affiliate Disclosure – This Guide and Free Plugin will help ensure you stay compliant with Amazon’s terms.
(not surprising but 2 of the links above are affiliate links)
Done For You Services
- Done for You Amazon Affiliate Sites – If you are new and don’t have a ton of time I like to use the analogy that you don’t go and build your own brick and mortar store one brick at a time bye hand. Using BrandBuilders affiliate site creation you can shortcut the learning process bye a few months and get started with a well setup site!
- Amazon Associate Account Compliance Audit – Getting your account suspended is a REAL risk and it sucks! I have experienced it and had a staff member spend a couple weeks just digging into Amazons TOC to build an audit process to ensure our sites were compliant.
- Backlinks for Your Site – Once you have a site with great content on it you need to let the search engines know that your content is good and the best way to do that is with links from other authoratative sites. Getting links to your site is a strategy I use to accelerate the success of my sites!
How To Setup Amazon Affiliate Sites
There are many ways to earn income from the Amazon affiliate program, but the method I use most is to select a niche with:
- Low keyword competition (with buying intent)
- High profit margin
- Large number of reviews for the products
Many blogs have already discussed strategies on how to do this, but few people talk about how to optimize a site to maximize their amazon income from the traffic they are receiving. This is what I will be discussing today.
Why Should I Optimize My Site for Conversion?
You may think this is a silly question, but did you know that 95% of the built for amazon sites that I find online are throwing money away for having poorly optimized designs. What is the point of bringing traffic to your site if you can’t convert them?
By utilizing the strategies I’ll share below, I have been able to double and even triple my conversions and income.
Suffering From Low Website Conversion Syndrome?… Fix it!
Many people complain about having high bounce rates. If you’re running into this problem, ask yourself, “Does my site look like crap?” If the answer is yes, then you’re probably suffering from low website conversion syndrome.
** PRO TIP ** If the answer is no, you might be in denial… ask a friend and get a second opinion.
When it comes to making online purchases, trust is a huge factor, so a website that looks like it was thrown together by a blind monkey won’t suffice. Here are a few questions to consider.
- Is my site Organized and Appealing?
- Are my images high quality?
- Is the quality of my content good enough to convince a person to actually buy this product?
- Are there multiple opportunities on my page for someone to click my affiliate links?
Other Common Mistakes
Another common mistake is to lead people to Amazon too early. Most people that make Amazon affiliate sites will create a main page that quickly compares 3-5 products on a single page and then sends people directly to Amazon. This may seem good at first, however, you’re better off using that page to send people to inner pages within your site. By sending people to pages deeper on your site you are able to:
- Increase time on site/Decrease bounce rate.
- Seal the deal in convincing people to buy a product.
- Build additional trust which will facilitate sales and lead to repeat customers/buyers.
Breaking Down a Good Amazon Product Page
After building and trying out many styles of pages, this style has worked the best for me.
This section of the page should summarize all the positives of the product in as few words as possible. It should give your audience a quick glance of the product and then immediately lead to your affiliate link. Try to keep your affiliate link ABOVE THE FOLD. This means that the visitor should not have to scroll down to see this link.This section is also a good place to put a features list if you can fit one. If not, you can put the features list below the fold and include another affiliate link immediately after it.Here’s what the overview section on a page of one of my sites looks like:
- Why this Works – This allows your visitor to see the big picture right away. This will grab in people who are hungry to buy and want to make a quick decision.
The body of your page should consist of 4 parts:
- Image/Video – This helps grab/keep the attention of the visitor. It should be followed up with an affiliate link.
- Pros – Write about all the positives of your product.
- Cons – Write about any negatives of your product. The key is to be honest, without completely bashing the product. Consider using phrases like “A small amount of people who have reviewed this product have found ____”
- ** PRO TIP ** – If a product has a flaw, don’t hide it. Address the concern and suggest alternate affiliate products that excel in this area.
- Verdict – Come up with an overall rating of the product. Keep the overall rating honest.
Here’s what this might look like:
- Why this works – This section gives people a chance to read a more detailed review of the product before making their decision. If you’ve made sure to make your post filled with quality images and content, then this can help build more interest and drive the nail home for people who are still unsure of making a purchase.
Ending With a Top 3 Comparison Chart
Ending with a Top 3 comparison chart is one of the most powerful things you can do. This chart can be used to:
- Give the visitor additional options if they are not fully convinced.
- Sell a visitor on a more expensive item.
- Seal the deal on a current item.
- Keep a visitor on your site longer.
- Build additional trust in your expertise of the niche.
- Introduce the visitor to other related products.
Here’s what this might look like:
Wrapping it Up
Using all of these methods, I have been able to significantly reduce bounce rate and drastically increase conversions and sales. Does it take more work to accomplish? Yes. However, the amount of work it takes is nothing compared to the return you get from doubling or tripling your income from the same amount of traffic. Give it a try!
If you have questions, feel free to leave them below and I’ll be happy to answer them.
Other Great Articles
Hey Josh,
This is a great post that I stumbled upon just as I was looking to increase the conversions on some of my Amazon sites. If I understood you correctly, when you have a page that is (for example) “Best [product type]”, you are saying that it’s better to use this page to link to individual reviews of each product, rather than straight to Amazon?
Do you have a certain number of products you put on the “best of” type pages?
Yep, I link to the individual reviews. Keep in mind that your individual review page has to be a page with good content like the one I mentioned in the post. If the content is good and convincing, you’ll increase conversions. If your content sucks, then your conversions will suffer.
I limit “best of” pages to 3 products.
Hello Josh,
Thanks for your very very informative post. I have a question regarding the colors you used. Does the orange ‘view on amazon’ button, in terms of conversion, works best on every site? Or does it differ a lot depending on the website?
I understand that it might differ, but I want to know if it’s best to start out with the orange button and from there on split test.
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
Whatever color you choose, you should make your button stand out and contradict the theme colors. So if orange is your themes colors, then blue or green buttons might work better.
Great breakdown John/Josh. Like the way each page adds value above and beyond normal affiliate sites.
I use EasyAzon all the time and its great for picking up Sales for other Countries..
Maybe it’s time to give EasyAzon a second chance. On my first site I found the geo targeting to be a non-factor. I found most of the time the products weren’t available in other countries. What’re your thoughts on this?
Did you take the time to setup all the countries available or just a handful?
Yea, not all products are available for other countries. It’s still a good idea to set it up though.
Great posts josh, thanks
Can you share:
– are you using specific themes or plugins to create the look and feel of the items you mention above ( review style, 3 item comparison)?
– how many reviews do you normally add to a niche site?
– are your sites narrow focus or wide focus niche sites?
– before and after CR? (Conversion rates) using or not using the methods above?
Finally optimizing means your getting traffic.. Any suggestions on doing that? Getting traffic?
1. Thrive Content Builder works great for building pages exactly how you want. It will take a little bit of a learning curve, but it’s a lot easier to customize it that way if you’re not a wizard at css and html.
2. It really depends. A small niche site may only have 10 products. The site i’m using for this 6 figure authority site is much broader and will feature different products with 8-10 reviews each. Ultimately the site may have over 100 reviews.
3. You can do narrow or broad. It just depends on your goals for the site.
4. I have switched sites in the past to the form i’m using now and have seen up to 3 times the conversions in sales. This method presells the visitor and leads to more clicks to amazon and more sales overall. I had a site go from 7% of visitors clicking on amazon links to over 20%.
Getting traffic is a full chapter on it’s own. In short, I get the majority of my traffic from SEO. I target low competition keywords with high commercial value. Jon has some excellent articles here on his site about SEO. Combine that with good keyword research and there you go.
Hello Jon,
Thanks for your amazing detail guide on making Amazon affiliate site via wordpress blog. Recently I have started my new Amazon project on a niche product. I haven’t posted any article yet as I am in a fix about articles.
Can you please tell me what should be the length of article for Amazon product review?
Waiting for your answer. Have a nice day.
How are you making these post? how are you putting the stars in?
thank you
Thrive content builder has it as one of it’s features. You can also just find a theme that has this feature as part of it. There might also be some free plugins that offer the ability to add star ratings.
Great post, Josh. I like the boxes that say “at a glance,” “pros,” “cons,” and I like the comparison chart. 1. Are those features of EasyAzon? Of Thrive? of something else? 2. Can you please explain how to set up those features to make the post look so good? Thanks.
I custom added the At a Glance section with some editing using Thrive Content Builder. It helps make my site look nice, but it’s not necessary. You can just add a similar section to that to the top of your page and give people that type of info.
The table is built using a plugin called Tablepress.
Hi, Jon, Have a nice day, and by the way – great website and informative articles, i really enjoy when i come here, thanks for this good info, bb !
Great post Josh and Jon – reducing bounce rate is always beneficial, Google closely monitor that so reducing it can even give you a bump in the SERPs.
Got a couple of Amazon sites that need redoing – might have to follow this and see how it works out 🙂
Hey Josh,
You mention some tips about the homepage. Suppose my site is about Blenders, what should my home be about? Blender Review?
Hey John/Josh,
Really refreshing to see someone providing real value with their Amazon affiliate sites, rather than the usual crappy 300 word “reviews” we’re used to seeing.
I also use EasyAzon and can attest to how easy it is to use and how much time it saves.
Having a great looking theme is great – however I would advise anyone looking to build their first Amazon niche site to forget how the site looks and just concentrate on great content. Once you start to rank, then you can make a great looking site as Josh has outlined here.
Cheers guys!
Another wonderful post. Tung has come out with an awesome AuthorityAzon theme, but are we required to have EasyAzon plugin to use the theme for pulling amazon data? Currently I am using WPZonBuilder.
Hi Chetan,
It’s a separated theme and don’t require EasyAzon.
Thanks Tung for the clarification
Hi Jon. Thanks for the great info. My issues are finding the right theme that works with displaying product correctly. Seeing one of your sites would help. Also some tips on proper backlinking would help too. I just don’t get the traffic. Also how important is having a Facebook/Twitter accounts? Looking forward to more posts on this topic. Thanks.
Hey Josh, Gr8 Info..
I have a question regarding EasyAzon. I have used this plugin on couple of my sites.. The problem is that the ads are getting blocked by adblock plus and other filters.. Is there any way to bypass it..
Thanks Josh for this post. I am just starting out my new niche site and the information is really useful. I have 1 question though, does your final editor rating tend to reflect the Amazon rating for the product? If not, do you have some sort of rating scale that you create before reviewing those products?
Thanks & Regards
Thanks Josh for this post. I just want to know that you are saying product reviews are the best. So how many products and niches we should promote. I want to make an amazon affiliate website with a lot of products. I dont want to promote only 5 or 10 products.
Does Amazon “Like” these plugins? I’ve always wondered since I haven’t made my first sale and had my review yet. Do they look down on the Easy Azon plugins and other plugins with Azon in them? I know they make everything so much easier but I want to increase my chances of getting accepted.
Very useful article to make an Amazon niche site. I have learned enough knowledge from this article. Thanks a lot.
I have used couple of affiliate plugins on WP sites but not successful – I will definitely give EasyzAon a try today and will update the results.
Very useful article!
My blog is very new, only six months old, so traffic is very little. I use amazon affiliate links and almost twice a week I am having sales.
Thanks for the information.
Dear Josh,
Please confirm the requirements to be an amazon affiliate.
Hi Jon,
I am pretty new to creating websites, blogs etc. A quick is experimental, a WordPress blog. I started with the thought of creating a music blog but changed my mind since and decided to persue selling products through Amazon.
For a start I thought of linking my Amazon products to my blog. Would this be the way to go or should I look at having a website rather?
I have limited funds available and hoping I could do something with blog in order to generate an income. I have been trying to get myself familar with WordPress. You will notice that it is kinda scarmbled.
Your assistance shall be much appreciated.
Many thanks
This is awesome to help create an amazon affiliate site easily.But it is a matter of sorrow that amazon affiliate commission reduces this year, possibility to change this commission next year?
Hey Jon, great article first off. It’s obviously ranking as I ended up here by searching to see if anybody is making affiliate sites and selling them prior to them earning.
I like the way you are describing the layout of your sites. I can attest that I recently saw a site layed out almost identical to your description reach a bid of $118k on a popular auction site.
A little about me, I’m 30 a father of two girls. Recently partnered with a local attorney to build affiliate sites, let them age while earning the revenues then flipping them. We have built our first site, I placed a link in the website section. Not looking to spam your blog but please have a look. It’s not optimized for conversions like you describe. You brought a lot of light to this subject for me now.
I have a few questions, what are you using to list your three products. The screen shot showed three boxes on top of one another with the review stars. Are you simple creating a custom table or is there a plugin that simplifies this ?
I’m sure you don’t want to give away all of your secrets but if you do not mind sharing I’d like to know a good template that meets the criteria and simplicity you described above. As that site I saw making $8900 per month from 100% organic traffic looks very similar to your blurred screen shot in the image above.
Once again, if you do not wish to share this information, I totally respect that.
Now that my content is laid out and I have about 10 articles to work with I’m going to redesign my site and I would like to follow this amazon affiliate blueprint you have laid out above.
I would be very interested to chat with you via skype or email. I’m not looking to steal any of your niches or anything. Maybe you can help open my eyes even farther as this is something I’m working toward doing full time. I’d be glad to help you with anything I may be able to as well.
Hope to hear from you and I apologize for the long comment. It benefits the site too, so all good.
My email is attached above and I’ll send you skype details if you are willing to chat. Just email me
Thank you again for this informative page on how to create Amazon affiliate sites designed to convert your traffic.
Chris E.
Josh. I’m late to the party here, but I didn’t see any mention of price. is that left out on purpose to drive more people to Amazon? Should I include it in a page like Best widgets under $50?
Thanks. Great article, man. I hope the info still holds up.
Another excellent post. I am finding it hard to stop reading your tutorials. They are all amazing.
I need to implement all the tips learnt.
Awesome post Jon. Really appreciate that you had shared where to put the affiliate link on our posts. Thank you so much.